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Best place/way to print ebooks (not at home)


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I know this isn't a curriculum question, exactly, but I'm afraid it will get lost on general chat. Please don't be too angry! :tongue_smilie:


I'm going to be ordering Lively Latin and Elemental Science both for this summer and next year. I'm itching to get my hands on them, in fact, but I don't want to hit the button until I have a plan for printing them. I do have a printer and copier, but I think for the sake of ink and my sanity, I'm going to have them done somewhere and spiral bound.


But, um, I have no real clue how to do this! A search revealed that one could upload the file to Kinkos/FedEx and another person mentioned bringing a thumb drive into a copy place. It also seems possible to upload directly to Staples and then pick up. Is there a preference? And really, you don't get hassled about copy right?


We have Staples and Office Max nearby, and I'd imagine there's a Kinkos, though I'm not positive. Help please! :D I'm open to your suggestions and opinions. :bigear:

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I was hassled at Staples about copyright. They were okay copying the appendix pages I needed from MFW, but they wouldn't make copies of the pages you are supposed to copy for Drawing With Children--even though I showed him the paragraph in the book where it *tells* you to copy pages x, y and z. I'm needing to print the picture study pages from Classical Writing Primer now, and trying to figure out where to do it. My home printer ink is insanely expensive, and I'd prefer to get them bound after printing.


I just had my Classical Writing picture study pages printed at Kinkos. They didn't give me any problems at all. I downloaded the pdf and ordered online. Picked it up about 2 hours later.



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Thanks, everyone! I have some phone calls to make, but I am so grateful for the suggestions (especially the notion of local printers and UPS, neither of which had occurred to me).


We don't have a laser printer, so I'm certain the cost would be prohibitive, unfortunately. I keep telling myself that at least this way I can do double-sided printing easily and save paper. :D


The Google books thing is way, way cool! And there actually is a Whiz Bang OnDemand about 45 minutes away, so I'll probably contact them. If I can think of a good excuse to be in that area, it would be worth it.


Christina, I've gone back and forth on the history with LL. I'm leaning towards using it, which makes me inclined to print the whole thing. But...maybe I should give it a few weeks of actual use, printing as I go, until we decide. Thanks for the reminder!

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I was hassled at Staples about copyright. They were okay copying the appendix pages I needed from MFW, but they wouldn't make copies of the pages you are supposed to copy for Drawing With Children--even though I showed him the paragraph in the book where it *tells* you to copy pages x, y and z. I'm needing to print the picture study pages from Classical Writing Primer now, and trying to figure out where to do it. My home printer ink is insanely expensive, and I'd prefer to get them bound after printing.


Ugh! I can't believe they gave you such a hard time, since you're right--it's RIGHT THERE in the book! :glare: Good to know, though.

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