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If you are a missionary...

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My parents were missionaries for 39 years. (I consider myself a missionary in suburban USA but that's a whole 'nuther thread.)


Where? They were in Japan right after WWII


What? After a period of language study in the country, my dad preached and planted churches. He also started and ran a Bible school. My mom taught English and had women's classes. She also raised 5 kids.


Why? My dad had an interest in Japan and the Japanese people. My mom had an interest in China and was originally going to go there, but then China was closed to missionaries by the communists. She decided to go to Japan instead. My parents met there as single missionaries and then married.


How? They started with where they had an interest and then started to go that direction. As you can see in my previous paragraph, my mom got rerouted. I'm sure they prayed a lot about it too.

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Where are you? Mexico


What do you do? Construction and in a little over a month I'll also be working at a clinic.


Why did you decide to go there and do that? It's where the opportunity came.


How did you know that's where and what you were supposed to do? When God lines things up just so and it feels right in your heart, you just know.

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I belong to a missionary organization.

Where? Northern California

What do I do? Live at and run a Christian retreat center.

The way my family and I came here: we were visiting a friend about 4 hours drive away. While visiting our friend's church, we met a lady who knew about the retreat center and suggested we visit and do a bit of volunteering.

How did we know? Like Sputterduck said...

God totally lined this up, and we just know this is what He wants for us for the time being. Prior to visiting our friend, we had just moved out of our house, and were waiting for God to show us what was next. We have been at the retreat center for 3 years.

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Where: Going to be training next fall, then off to SE Asia after training ends in 2012

What: Church planting, Bible Translation, descipleship in unreached people

Why: Because we feel God has called us, and because of our love for Him, we obey. Dh says he doesn't want to be at the end of his life and wondering what if we had done this.

How: like the pp said, when God lines it up, you just know.



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We are soon going to be moving to Northern Arizona to be missionaries at a Native American children's home there. The only thing holding us back, is that we need our house to sell first. We're learning a great lesson in patience and God's timing :)

We have visited the home on a short term mission trip. While there, DH and I both felt God calling us to serve there full time. It was such a obvious pulling at our hearts. We prayed about it for quite some time, sought counsel and discussed it at great legnths before deciding.

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