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Could this be a migraine?

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I frequently have mild tension headaches which respond to any of the following treatments: ibuprofen, sleep, coffee, or an adult beverage.


Since I woke up yesterday, I've had a headache that's gotten progressively worse despite trying ibuprofen, sleep, caffeine, flexeril, and fioricet. (I decided to skip trying a drink last night - I was just not up for that and didn't think it would help!) It's not completely debilitating like I've heard migraines can be, but it's interfering with my daily routine yesterday and today. I can't bend over or move my head without extra pain. I have had some chills despite putting the thermostat about 2 degrees warmer than usual. (no fever, so I've ruled out meningitis!)


I don't want to see the doctor unless it gets worse or lasts until Friday...so just wondering if this *could* be a migraine. I don't have light sensitivity; just motion sensitivity.

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I get chills with my migraines, particularly my hands and lower legs and feet. I think it may have something to do with blood flow. What I have found helpful is to take a long hot bath (just don't get the water much over your tummy or you might get too warm). The idea is to warm up the extremities and as the blood flows downward you lessen pressure in the head area. A nice long bath is just relaxing anyway so either way, it might help. :) A caffeine drink also helps reduce swollen blood vessels in the head. Cup of strong tea and a nice soak is my recommendation. Hope you feel better real soon!

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You can have migraines without the light thing.


I will say this, as a public service announcement ... if it's the worst headache you've ever had in your life, you need to get it checked out. The first time I had a migraine I went to the ER (because I was also having severe panic attacks, and I knew I needed help with the pain). They gave me something for the pain and sent me home. My doc, who I saw later that week, was LIVID that they didn't do further tests, since those headaches can sometimes signal major big-time problems.


However, if you've often had headaches at that level, then yeah it's probably a migraine, and you get to have fun finding out your triggers and your best treatment options. I'm not allowed caffeine, for instance (due to the panic attacks), so I have to find other things. And I always feel wrung-out the next day.

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Just thought I'd throw this in there. Migraines are "usually" on one side of the head or the other. When I get a migraine, I get it on the right side of my head. The pain is intense and even the slightest bit of light makes it a 100 times worse. From what my neurologists says, migraines are typically one sided, but everyone is different. HTH

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I get migraines. I'll describe my symptoms and of course yours may be different.

-Pain is always on one side of my head, usually right above my right eye.

-Extreme sensitivity to light. This causes me to squint.

-Nausea and eventually vomiting

-Does not respond to over the counter painkillers


I also sometimes get auras before the onset of the headache. It's distorted vision and last no more than 15 mins.

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Um....you can't completely rule out meningitis just because you have no fever. When I got viral meningitis, I had the headache for 4 days before I got a fever. I was also very motion sensitive when I was developing meningitis. In fact, I was sent home from the ER with a "migraine" 24 hours before I got a fever and went back to the ER for a spinal tap. I'm not saying it is meningitis, but please go to the ER if your headache gets to be unbearable. It could be several other things that are very serious....high blood pressure is one...


If it is a migraine (I'm pretty familiar with those too.) I can sometimes alleviate it with a hot bath IF it is a migraine that is making my hands and feet cold.


I hope you feel better soon.



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I get similar headaches occasionally. I would not qualify for "migraine status" I think, but they are more than a "normal" headache. I've had all sorts of tests, and I think the neurologist came up with cluster headaches? Nothing she did helped, so I forgot the diagnosis!


Anyhow - where we were (South Africa) you could get a "migraine pack" over the counter at a pharmacy. It had 2 codeine tablets, something to dilate blood vessels and something for nausea. Worked VERY well, and didn't leave me with extra tablets around the house. Worth asking if your pharmacy has or can make up something similar for you.


Otherwise, try straight codeine. Best to go to bed though, as can make you very dopey. It also gives me a sort of "rebound headache" sometimes, but that is handled with aspirin.


Or how about just straight aspirin - I find different headaches respond to different things. Ibuprofen doesn't usually work for me, and the best I've found was an aspirin / paracetamol (aceta-whats-it in the US) combo which I've never found outside South Africa.


Good luck getting rid of this! I've lived with headaches most of my adult life, so i sympathise...



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Don't think that migraines always mean horrible pain.


I have migraines but they aren't severe. I've been getting ocular migraines for decades, complete with the funny vision, but never though they were migraines because they sometimes happened without pain or with mild to moderate pain. Sometimes enough to send me to bed to sleep it off but nothing compared to what I'd heard mirgraines were supposed to be like. Even without pain I generally got lightheaded and weak and was tired for the day.


I only got diagnosed a year ago when I mentioned the funny vision thing to my optometrist during a check-up.


Granted, I would hardly call myself a migraine sufferer in contrast to what other women I know go through but having the diagnoses has been really helpful. Now I now that when the vision thing happens I should grab painkillers and head to bed for a (generally long) sleep.


All that said, for the OP - You said you didn't want to go to the doctor unless it got worse but you're posting here because this IS worse then the norm for you. That's a sign you should probably go. All any of us can do is offer a bit of what we know, not give you any meaningful help when it sounds like you should be seeing your doctor.

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It doesn't sound like a migraine to me. It sounds like a very severe tension headache which can also be incapacitating as well. I have had tension headaches that were worse than some migraines that I have had. My migraine always seem to include:


Pain on only one side of head


light makes it worse

Phantom smells

visual auras

occassionally phantoms tastes

lasts for days


There are probably more symptoms that I can't remember right now but they are very distinctive. Basically it is like a neurological meltdown.

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Dang it. Some of you have scared me! It IS the worst headache I've ever had, but it doesn't seem to meet the traditional migraine symptoms. I finally took 2 fioricet - my bottle says take 1 or 2, but I've never needed more than one for anything - it's acetaminophen + caffeine + a barbiturate. The 2 tablets helped, but I still can't lean forward even slightly without getting a lot of pain when I straighten up. It's like my brain isn't coming up as fast as my head. Hard to describe.


I guess I won't give it till Friday - I will call the doctor tomorrow if it's not better.


A couple of you have mentioned a hot bath, so I will go run one of those now.

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I still can't lean forward even slightly without getting a lot of pain when I straighten up. It's like my brain isn't coming up as fast as my head. Hard to describe.



This is EXACTLY how I felt when I was developing viral meningitis. Call your Dr., but please don't be scared. Many people can get over viral meningitis without medical help. I needed drugs....

Also, the Dr. said if I had sought help earlier, he could have started me on steroids and shortened the illness. I hope you are already feeling better and don't need this info.





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Dang it. Some of you have scared me! It IS the worst headache I've ever had, but it doesn't seem to meet the traditional migraine symptoms. I finally took 2 fioricet - my bottle says take 1 or 2, but I've never needed more than one for anything - it's acetaminophen + caffeine + a barbiturate. The 2 tablets helped, but I still can't lean forward even slightly without getting a lot of pain when I straighten up. It's like my brain isn't coming up as fast as my head. Hard to describe.


I guess I won't give it till Friday - I will call the doctor tomorrow if it's not better.


A couple of you have mentioned a hot bath, so I will go run one of those now.


I just thought I would mention that if it is a tension headache then the caffiene can make it worse. Caffiene can cause muscle tension which would exacerbate a tension headache. I would lay off the caffienne for a bit and see if that helps. Also headache meds can cause a rebound headache which can sometimes be worse than the original headache. Anything that helps you relax may help. A barbituate by itself would help or perhaps a anti-histimine or maybe some dramamine. You coud also try Nyquil at night time as that is often helpful in relaxing you and inducing sleep. Good luck. I hope it goes away soon.

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