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Write Source Review


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Quite a few people have asked me about Write Source after it was mentioned in this thread: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148362


So, I have written a review on my blog for those that are interested. Under the review is the story of how I discovered Write Source.


My blog link is in my sig.


Hope this answers any ?s people may have about Write Source.:D--Most likely more than most would want to know!

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I just received my Write Source gr 8 materials about 2 days ago. I bought it because of that thread. I wanted something meatier for my 12 yo who is a good (yet oddly reluctant) writer.


He has his first "free write" today. I expected mutiny, but what he wrote was good--and funny! He had to write for five minutes (on the importance and uses for writing of all things! :lol:) and he did it willingly!


I'm ever so hopeful that my days of looking at writing programs (for upper grades anyway) students are over. I may *possibly* use this with my fifth grader next fall. Judging from this one, I think I'd place her in the 4th grade level (She'll only be 10 in July.).


I'm glad I got the teacher's manual too. That was one of the things I asked you about. So far I can see that there are many helpful suggestions both for a group and individual students. It's also nice not to have to look over my student's shoulder.


I did get the skillsbook. I could take it or leave it. I do suspect that next year, when he completes season 2 of AG, this will fill in nicely for the rest of the year (or weeks between units) and not take up too much time. It's small bites of editing and proofreading practice.

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A question about write source...looking on the website, it seems like it has topics that the student has to write about. Is this correct? I guess I'm looking for something that would guide my ds through a topic of my choosing. I'm guessing this is not the point of write source?


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A question about write source...looking on the website, it seems like it has topics that the student has to write about. Is this correct? I guess I'm looking for something that would guide my ds through a topic of my choosing. I'm guessing this is not the point of write source?



From my (very limited) experience, yes, the topics are chosen. I can't see why you can't substitute your own--at least to some extent.


A descriptive essay is a descriptive essay, but staying within the parameters of the assignment would simplify evaluating it.


This is a non-issue for me as I'm taking the next year with this kid to REALLY work on writing. He will be writing Write Source assignments and topics of my choosing.


Maybe not very helpful, but if nothing else, I've bumped it for you. :D

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There are several on the website and I can't seem to figure out which one your review references.


I have an old Write Source 2000, but it does not have suggestions for writing assignments. I could make my own, but GOSH, it sure is easier to just have someone else decide that part!!!




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My oldest had tried the Student book of Write Source 2 (2005-2007) edition two years ago. The student book is all you need to teach writing, however, we found it very public schoolish, even the student samples. We just wanted more. However, if my dc would be entering public school in the near future, I may have stuck with it.


I think most Write Source users here are using it for junior high and above.


I won't be using it for my younger two either (in other words, I agree with you about the gr. 2 book).


I am considering using it or the appropriate level in the Stack the Deck series for my dd though. After she completes WWE3 and maybe WWE4. She's more of a natural writer.

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