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If you were disconnecting your internet...

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Okay, now I HAVE to disconnect, cause I spent money;) I went to a "new" thrift store (new in the sense that I've never been there before) and went a little crazy! They had SOOOO many books!! I got a kids encyclopedia, books about castles, volcanoes & earthquakes, snakes, dinosaurs, and hurricanes. I got a Dover Wild West sticker book, kids road atlas, maze book, kids sudoku, ABC dot-to-dot, some other books, a puzzle for DD, and a puzzle for myself. Spent only $24! Buying my own personal, not-library copy of The Well Trained Mind will be next on my list. I need SOMETHING to look through when I can't get on here:)


Kathy/ksva, that is so true. Searching online just isn't the same! Knowing how to find information in the library is a different skill than typing it into google. And a weather radio is a good idea.



LOL! That is great!!! :D

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Well, I'm still here! lol:) I just got a job that requires me having the internet at home. I'm really excited about the job! But, I'll admit, I'm slightly disappointed to not have the adventure of living internet-free... but, really, not too much... ;)


But, hey, DD loves her new ABC dot-to-dot and 100 piece puzzle (see previous post) and DS was thrilled with his new dinosaur book!!


Thank you all for your suggestions, though. I really was gonna go through with it! I need the job more, though!

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Well, I'm still here! lol:) I just got a job that requires me having the internet at home. I'm really excited about the job! But, I'll admit, I'm slightly disappointed to not have the adventure of living internet-free... but, really, not too much... ;)


But, hey, DD loves her new ABC dot-to-dot and 100 piece puzzle (see previous post) and DS was thrilled with his new dinosaur book!!


Thank you all for your suggestions, though. I really was gonna go through with it! I need the job more, though!

:lol:I see that you didn't last long without us.;) :lol:

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There is no way I would give up interent unless we were going to lose our home and needed the $50/mo to save it.


My mother raised us without a garden, and we survived but I would also not give up my garden...


My mother also didn't get her own car until I was 7. That's it. I would give up my car before I gave up Internet. We could walk everywhere. Well, most everywhere. i would need a better bike. Maybe a trailer thing on the back for the bigger library and marketing trips.


I would like a vespa. ;)

Edited by LibraryLover
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LOL:) You guys aren't helping at all;)


Yeah, my MIL lives next door on one side and my SIL lives next door on the other side, and I know they'd let me pop in a couple times a week to use their internet!


My mom and above mentioned MIL both raise kids and homeschooled without the internet and survived! Surely it must be doable! Right?? Right????

I don't know what your reasons are but you can do it. Necessary things would be a good library, a good set of up to day encyclopedias, what ever other reference books you may need for at the time.

I have considered doing this but my oldest son that lives with us and pays for most of the internet bill would NOT be happy as his job depends on it a lot.

I did have my two younger kids comp. connected but that will not happen again for a while. I am presently looking for computer games for 3-5 grade that will be fun and educational.

If your reasons are sound and you have support in your home you can do it.

YOU GO GIRL!:hurray::hurray::hurray:

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