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s/o of threads going astray ...

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It only bothers me when the OP is asking a question regarding homeschooling or something they want definite advice about ... then mostly it is a problem to me when the OP says "I am looking for textbooks only" and the first three people responding say "well, if you are steering away from textbooks, you could use such-and-such" ... I think "WHAT?" ... or the third post on is talking about something completely different than what was even asked and the OP gets no advice about what they were asking about. When I am the OP in this situations (and I am sure I am not alone on this) I wonder why I even bothered asking. :lol:

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Lol, IKWYM, however I will often resond to a thread knowing that many others will be reading it and if what I say isnt relevent to the OP, it may be relevent to someone else at least. And I guess sometimes I respond just for the sake of responding, like now :)

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Like the old Apple Computer campaign, many people here "Think Different".


It's kind of a tomato-tamahto situation.


Everyone answers questions from their own worldview, their own "market basket" of experiences, and their own particular brain wiring. I'm certain that the majority of my posts are looked upon with a "huh? what on EARTH is she thinking?" (unless they are on the special needs board) simply because they are coming out of an Aspie brain. A neuro-typical brain would give a completely different response. Neither response would be less, or more valid.




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I don't like it when ppl get mean or rude. I know that everyone would say the same but then . . . it does keep hapening. It seems that sometimes everyone is in the mood to respectfully agree to disagree and then all of a sudden . . . someone will blow up. I wish that would happen less.


I can remember one post in which someone asked if a thing she had in mind to do would bother people. A few people answered that it probably would. She got really mad. I remember thinking and posting that I thought she genuinely wanted to know. It really turned ugly. and it was a really long thread.


On the other hand, I remember once making a comment that I really, even now, wish I could take back. My position hasn't changed but I didn't use respectful language at all. It has been a long, long, time ago and I still feel ashamed about it. and I never said anything and now I have no idea who that was.


And I think I'm probably guilty of making suggestions that the OP didn't ask for or that don't fall into her specific parameters. I can't think of one right off the top of my head but I'm sure I have . . . and probably would. Maybe I'd think, well she's looking for a website but the book I have in mind is so good that I'm sure she'd want to consider it.

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It only bothers me when the OP is asking a question regarding homeschooling or something they want definite advice about ... then mostly it is a problem to me when the OP says "I am looking for textbooks only" and the first three people responding say "well, if you are steering away from textbooks, you could use such-and-such" ... I think "WHAT?" ... or the third post on is talking about something completely different than what was even asked and the OP gets no advice about what they were asking about. When I am the OP in this situations (and I am sure I am not alone on this) I wonder why I even bothered asking. :lol:


Actually, I totally agree with you on this one.


I think it goes hand in hand with, "Hey! I've narrowed it down to these two curricula. Can you tell me how they worked for you?" And, then, the OP gets 30+ different curricula recommendations. :confused:

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