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Minor speech therapy ?


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My young ds is dong great with his reading so far but we have two frustrations that he is stumbling over.


"th" always comes out as "d"


And -er -ir and -ur all come out as "or"


he can hear the difference

he has watched my face

we've worked on where to place the tongue


still the comes out duh

burn comes out born

bird comes out board


can anyone give me some tips to correct this at home?



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but my 7 yr. old has trouble with 'th,' too. I wrote out some sentences with lots of th's in them that he reads for me during school. A speech pathologist friend told me that when they say it wrong point to your own tongue with your teeth on it to remind them. I try to remind about once a day or so when he says a word wrong, hopefully he'll get it right soon!


The Dr. wasn't concerned, just said it was tongue placement. Maybe do a web search? Blessings:) Gina

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