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I started a new blog for picture book lovers!

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I love picture books and I decided since we read so many, I would like to post them as we read them as a record of all the wonderful books we read, but also as a way to share the gems we pick up.


I would love some visitors even though it is brand new. If you have a book you would recommend me to review, please leave a message in the message box on the right.


Here is the blog addy: http://livingbookhouse.blogspot.com/



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What a GREAT idea! I love picture books too! I wish I knew how to blog...


I left you a book I'd love to have you review. It's a favorite in our house, and I'd love to hear your thoughts.


Have you read A Picture Perfect Childhood by Cay Gibson? If not, I believe you'd like it.


I've bookmarked your blog in my favorites. Can't wait to learn about more books! :)

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I couldn't get the comment box to work [probably my prob], but my all-time favorite picture book is William Tell by Terry Small. Rich illustrations w/ rhyme and meter that beg to be read aloud. Clear yet concise touching on the Christian aspect, and cleverly written gems. my 3yo and 5yo wil sit through the story, but the text is still above their reading level [5yo's still working on some basics]. My 8yo and 12yo will listen attentively and react positively. Even my 15yo likes reading it aloud: it does roll of the tongue quite nicely.


I probably have a thousand picture books in my collection, and I love them too! so I'll try to help you out. :-)



off the top of my head.....


US History:

Red Legs

Mailing May

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That's a great idea! I've been so focused on finding ability-appropriate books for my older ds that when we get to the library, I realize I don't have anything in mind for my younger. I have lists somewhere . . . but reviews would be awesome! :001_smile:

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