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I want to spend $100 on books for myself, but I don't know what to buy...

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My dad gave me $100 for Christmas and I want to use it at Amazon. I read a wide variety of books, my favourites this year were probably The Time Traveller's Wife, The Memory Keeper's Daughter and Snow by Orhan Pamuk.


Some I'm considering are:


The Cellist of Sarejevo

The Dome (Stephen King)

Too Much Happiness by Alice Munro

Her Fearful Symmetry (same author as TTW)

The Flood by Margaret Atwood (which would probably mean I'd also have to buy Oryx and Crake)


Please help me spend my money. I'm having a hard time actually putting anything in my cart.

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:lol: You sound like ds, who just blew $75 at Amazon because it was burning a hole in his pocket, too.


I say just hold onto it until there is something you truly want - this way your $ will still be there, waiting patiently.


Totally boring of me, I know!

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The Ascent Of Money - Niall Ferguson

The Golden Mean - Annabel Lyon

Yarn Harlot: The Secret Life of a Knitter - Stephanie Pearl-McPhee

Unclutter Your Life in One Week - David Allen

New York, Rutherford

The Lacuna, Kingsolver


I haven't read the above titles so I can't vouch for them.

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:lol: You sound like ds, who just blew $75 at Amazon because it was burning a hole in his pocket, too.


I say just hold onto it until there is something you truly want - this way your $ will still be there, waiting patiently.


Totally boring of me, I know!




I'd wait until February for part of my order so I could order SWB's History of the Medieval World.


I doubt that the books I'd order right now would be of interest to you, and since I've been ordering quite a lot in the last couple of months, I've actually whittled down my wishlist from 7 pages to 3. (I use my wishlist for books that I actually plan on purchasing, or it would be over a 100 pages, I'm sure :lol:)


Have you looked at some of the threads here? I found a bunch of great ones in the 3 favorite books from 2009 thread as well as some of the self-education ones on the High School/Self-Ed forum.

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Some from my Kindle archive that I really enjoyed:


The Help


Raising Jake

I Heart Bloomberg

According to Jane

Shanghai Girls: A Novel (all of Lisa See's books are great)


Caution: I Heart Bloomberg is a series.


Also, I have heard from friends that The Dome is not very good. I'm a long time Stephen King fan, but have yet to read it as I've not heard good things.

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