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Chore Charts

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Good Morning Everyone!


My ds9 and I were reading through a post on Paula's ARchives yesterday about earning TV currency for doing chores. He loved this idea and went to clean right away. Now we are considereing coming up with something like this. Does anyone have chore system that works for them? He would like to earn TV/DS/Computer time with this.


Any and all ideas are welcome as we are just starting to research this.



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We recently started using http://www.chorewars.com/ at the recommendation of some ladies here. It's fun and it's the motivation my son enjoys. Even the 4 year old is getting into it! After a certain amount of XP or whatever is earned, they can redeem it for real life rewards.


OH MY!!:hurray: This is awesome!! I'm signing us up for this today. My dc's are getting kinda old for our chore charts and they would rather die than get beaten by a sibling, IYKWIM. I can use that competition for housework. Oh, yeah.


Thanks so much for sharing this!! It looks like a blast.

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We recently started using http://www.chorewars.com/ at the recommendation of some ladies here. It's fun and it's the motivation my son enjoys. Even the 4 year old is getting into it! After a certain amount of XP or whatever is earned, they can redeem it for real life rewards.




Chore Wars has changed our lives! DS11 now begs for extra chores, and DD7 actually washed the dishes last night and loaded the dishwasher because she noticed the job was worth a lot of points. Two days ago, the kids worked together to cook dinner for the family, and split the 30 points between them. DH and I were: :w00t:


I set up the chores so there would be a very high chance of "treasure" and/or a "monster battle" with each chore (even for little things that are only worth 1 point), so they get an immediate "reward" for doing the chore, in addition to saving up points for bigger rewards. And we had a great time inventing funny names for the tasks, locations, treasures, and monsters!



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Naming tasks, locations, monsters and treasures has been the funniest part for me. I was rolling while setting up some new chores while DH looked at me with that "I'm afraid you're going insane" look! :lol:


I would love to know some of yours. I'm trying to set up a few and need some inspiration!!

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I would love to know some of yours. I'm trying to set up a few and need some inspiration!!


Ok but we're pretty strange so keep that in mind. :lol:


ETA: we used the presets and added these as they came up. The presets are where we got our ideas from and then it just grew. ;)


Children Chambers - (toy purge)

ridding base camp of unnecessary clutter

25% chance of treasure (rescuing lost dusty toys,siblings toys,bead necklaces,rediscover previously loved toys)

75% chance of a wandering monster (dust bunny,spider,dead bug skeleton,toy-devouring monster



Education room - (clean and organize)

keeping educational equipment neat and tidy

50% chance of treasure (sparkling jewels,pencils,long lost drawings,dusty tomes,toys)

50% chance of a wandering monster (dust bunnies,broken crayons,paper cuts,old moldy cheese,broken rubber bands)



Portal to the outdoors - (straighten shoes)

Keeping party members properly shod by placing foot coverings in the right place

30% chance of treasure (toe ring,pixie dust,ruby red slipper)

50% chance of a wandering monster (toe lint,toe jam,smelly sock,wart)



No location - (filing paperwork)

Organize paperwork to keep it from taking over the world

20% chance of treasure (crunchy ice,fairy tale,magic)

60% chance of a wandering monster (paper cut,dust bunny,paper avalanche,troll)




(floor cleaning)

Keeping footpaths squeaky clean (this is mopping or sweeping - not general cleanup)

25% chance of treasure (sparkle dust,fairy shoes,magic broom)

25% chance of a wandering monster (urine,doodoo,killer dirt,fuzz ball)




(putting toys away)

Removal of toys from party's footpath

50% chance of treasure (shiny jewels,seashells,carpet,)

50% chance of a wandering monster (dust bunnies,troll,stinky shoes,dragon,slimy papers,dirty tissues)




(random cleanups)

Cleaning or tidying anything not listed in another area... for the wellbeing of all

50% chance of treasure (fire sword,crystal challis,gold dust,unimaginable wealth)

50% chance of a wandering monster (troll,dragon breath,stinky underpants,booger)






Keep in mind that the super easy chores are for the 4 year old and an older child can only do it after she says she doesn't want to - which has only happened once when she realized she didn't get points that way.


Also keep in mind the maturity level of those involved, including their mother. We were a little gross with some of the monsters. Sorry. lol

Edited by Wyndie
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