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Math Word/Story Problems


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I had read several posts regarding Singapore's Challenging Word Problems (CWP). However, when I went on their website to have a look I noticed that they are "permanently out of stock" for most levels, including the levels I was interested in looking at (3 and 4). Can anyone recommend other supplements with challenging story problems?

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Try Problemoids at rfwp.com. The books are for fourth, fifth, and sixth grade gifted kids in math. They are aimed at teaching problem solving strategies and are set up to allow the child to control the entire experience. Ds loved the Problemoids books, raced through them, and got huge benefits. They changed his attitude toward math from a boring requirement to a puzzle he has fun solving.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Singapore Math is coming out with another Challenging Word Problem series in 2010:




In the mean time, Intensive Practice by Singapore Math has some challenging word problems as well as other challenging problems:)


Ok, I know it's only Jan, but this is what I'm looking for. I've been on their website this AM, & there are some supplemental books I don't recognize, but I can't tell what they're for--if they're new-new or replacing-CWP-new.


Math Works?


Math Express?

Brain Maths?


Any reviews, recommendations, explanations on any of these would be so helpful! :001_smile:

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I've used the i-Excel, MathExpress, and Brain Maths series with students, so I started writing a response here, which ended up being a blog post, which will eventually end up being THREE posts about the materials.


You can read the first post about MathExpress: Speed Maths Strategies by Fan Learning on my blog: SingaporeMathSource.com


I'd love to hear from other people who have used these supplemental books as well.

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Ok, I know it's only Jan, but this is what I'm looking for. I've been on their website this AM, & there are some supplemental books I don't recognize, but I can't tell what they're for--if they're new-new or replacing-CWP-new.


Math Works?


Math Express?

Brain Maths?


Any reviews, recommendations, explanations on any of these would be so helpful! :001_smile:


We used an i-Excel book a few years ago. My dc really enjoyed the first part of the book--heuristic problem solving strategies. (Look for patterns, draw a picture, etc.)

The second part of the book is the bar model approach to word problems. We didn't really do this part because we were already doing CWP and it was redundant. It is very helpful for learning the bar model approach though.

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