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Sinus infection? Do I need to see the doctor?

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Warning some TMI :D I have had a cold for a week with head ache & stuffy sinuses, tiredness, sore throat and cough. I have been taking sudafed for the sinus head ache part but have had no drainage. Yesterday I started Mucinex D and am finally able to blow my nose but the mucus is very bloody.


Will the Mucinex D and maybe an antihistimine clear this up or do I need to see the doctor? I also have Nasonex but I haven't used it yet and a sinus rinse kit that I am too chicken to use.


What do you think? I had a sinus infection a few months ago and would like to avoid taking anotibiotics again so soon.



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Definitely do the sinus rinse (is it a neti pot?). There is a demo on youtube if it is a neti pot. It helps you feel much better.


What I do to see if I can get by without antibiotics is to take colloidal silver. It has antibacterial properties without the side effects of antibiotics. Sovereign silver is a good brand, also Silver Shield (sold by Nature's Sunshine).

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Definitely do the sinus rinse (is it a neti pot?). There is a demo on youtube if it is a neti pot. It helps you feel much better.


What I do to see if I can get by without antibiotics is to take colloidal silver. It has antibacterial properties without the side effects of antibiotics. Sovereign silver is a good brand, also Silver Shield (sold by Nature's Sunshine).

Similar advice, but I would go for Grapefruit Seed Extract or Oil of Oregeno. (they kill fungus as well, so does silver) I also take something called Carotenoid Complex to build up my immune system.
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I had a sinus infection clearly starting about a month ago. I ran out and bought a CVS brand neti-pot. It worked immediately. It was unbelievable. The next morning the pain was gone. However, something was still lingering higher up. The neti-pot seemed to have washed out the infection in my nose and cheek area, but somehow the infection stuck in my forehead sinuses--because the neti-pot doesn't get the rinse up high enough? After battling daily headaches and painful eye sockets for a couple of weeks, I broke down and went to the doctor for antibiotics. At that point, I was glad I did with Christmas coming and other family issues.


The neti-pot really did work for my one are of infection so I would try that first.



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I'm slightly freaked out by these, but think I'll purchase one to have on hand.


Q, I hope you're feeling better.


I had a sinus infection clearly starting about a month ago. I ran out and bought a CVS brand neti-pot. It worked immediately. It was unbelievable. The next morning the pain was gone. However, something was still lingering higher up. The neti-pot seemed to have washed out the infection in my nose and cheek area, but somehow the infection stuck in my forehead sinuses--because the neti-pot doesn't get the rinse up high enough? After battling daily headaches and painful eye sockets for a couple of weeks, I broke down and went to the doctor for antibiotics. At that point, I was glad I did with Christmas coming and other family issues.


The neti-pot really did work for my one are of infection so I would try that first.



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I'm slightly freaked out by these, but think I'll purchase one to have on hand.


I was freaked out, too, before trying it. But it turned out to be...uneventful. There's a very brief moment when you feel that sensation of water going up your nose like you may have had in a swimming pool but it really passes in an instant. I didn't experience any discomfort. One strange thing was that I expected the water to just go in and pour out immediately, and it doesn't. There's a bit of a delay because the water is traveling. Once the water didn't come out at all. :001_huh: I was perplexed until I realized I was holding my nostil shut. :lol:


In the directions of mine, it suggests beginners start with using half a pack of the powdered saline solution.

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I find it much easier if I get the temperature and saline right.

too little and it feels like a swimming pool, too much and the ocean.


( TMI...coming) When I asked my sweet but rather crass, MD Brother in law, hoping for a formula for parts of H2O and salt. he said adjust the salt content until it taste like mucus... he used the tacky "Sn.." word)


I suggest distilled Water and organic Sea Salt. not necessary, but hey, why potentially add bad stuff to your poor body.


Oh , and sometimes it's un eventful, but sometimes,,,, WOW,, you wonder how you were walking arund with all that gunk in yoru head. Gross, but better out than in.

( I do mine standing over the bath tub,

You tube video helpful.


I hope you feel better.

~Christine in al

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we had been using salt water, then started using packets of salt/baking soda designed for the neti pot--wow--what a difference in comfort!!


Just found the following info about making your own buffered solution (you wouldn't have to use the glycerin):



"I have allergies, especially to odors, dust, etc. I was using a Neti Pot every single day, but my ENT recommended I use one of the squeeze type bottles, he said the Neti Pot uses gravity flow, and I needed more force to flush the crud out. He gave me a recipe for the solution, and I mix it each morning. I have my supplies (in small closed containers) and a measuring spoon near my sink.


1 cup warm water

1/4 teaspoon salt (no iodine)

1/4 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon glycerin (to help keep my nose from getting too dry)

mix until salt dissolves"


I've also seen recipes for 3 parts salt to 1 part baking soda.

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