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My mom says DD7 needs to work on spelling...

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I am annoyed. How could she possibly know how much a 7 year old should know how to spell? :glare: It really upset Emily that she said that and she blamed it on me, saying I am only teaching her the same stuff over and over. Well, I am, but if I test her and she has forgotten how to spell things I assume that we cannot move on. I just don't get it. She will be able to spell everything on Friday and then the next week, she is back to forgetting the rules. :banghead: I am wondering if a traditional sight approach with lots of repetition would work better.

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I feel for you with your mom! We get stuff like that all the time. The other day my dad was here and he picked up this ball that Grace has that looks like a planet. He asked her what planet it was and then seemed like he thought she should actually know that. She's 4!!!! Oh, then he started trying to get her to write out words. Ummm, again, she's 4!!!!


He's on a crusade to get her into Kindergarten.


I think all homeschoolers get this type of thing to some extent. I am sure your daughter is going to be fine. All About Spelling is a great program and will be an excellent foundation. Remember she's learning spelling rules that most children wouldn't even be exposed to...

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All About Spelling is an excellent program! My 3rd grader was misspelling simple words at the end of last year (2nd grade), and I was totally stressed out. She would do fine on the tests, but there was never any "carry-over" with her daily writing. We started AAS this year, and it has made a huge difference!!! We started with level 1 and are currently on level 3. I think what I like most about the program is that it is not the typical - 20 words, 4 exercises and test on Friday program. It uses dictation to evaluate how well the child is spelling, and there is constant review of rules learned. I have learned a lot of spelling rules I was never even aware of- like when to end a word with ck or k and when to double f, l and s at the end of a word. Check out their website for samples if you're interested.

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All About Spelling is an excellent program! My 3rd grader was misspelling simple words at the end of last year (2nd grade), and I was totally stressed out. She would do fine on the tests, but there was never any "carry-over" with her daily writing. We started AAS this year, and it has made a huge difference!!! We started with level 1 and are currently on level 3. I think what I like most about the program is that it is not the typical - 20 words, 4 exercises and test on Friday program. It uses dictation to evaluate how well the child is spelling, and there is constant review of rules learned. I have learned a lot of spelling rules I was never even aware of- like when to end a word with ck or k and when to double f, l and s at the end of a word. Check out their website for samples if you're interested.
I am already using AAS!:banghead: :lol: It seemed to work for the first half and now she can't seem to remember how to apply the rules.
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I have a very bright 14yo dd who does well in her school work but was a really bad speller!! I still have to remind her of things at times. It had little to nothing to do with the curriculum we were using or how I approached it. I used the same curriculum (SWO) with my now 11yo and he blew through it. Spelling often has everything to do with the child.


I'd let it go if I were you. Thank her for her concern and tell her you've researched and are doing what you feel is best for her. Also, if she spoke in front of your dd, I'd tell her she needs to watch her words and her audience in the future and that she doesn't have your permission to have those types of discussions with or in front of dd.

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My girls (8 y.o.) go through periods where they can't spell worth beans, or where they can't remember simple math, etc. I think that their brains start working on one thing and another gets pushed back a bit while the new skill is being improved. I wouldn't worry too much over it.


For example, one twin is working hard on her handwriting and not making reversals, but punctuation has gone completely out the window. She knows the rules and has followed them faithfully in the past. But while her brain is working on the one problem (and getting much better, I might add), it is not and cannot be focused on the punctuation rules. C'est la vie. It will all come together eventually.

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My girls (8 y.o.) go through periods where they can't spell worth beans, or where they can't remember simple math, etc. I think that their brains start working on one thing and another gets pushed back a bit while the new skill is being improved. I wouldn't worry too much over it.


For example, one twin is working hard on her handwriting and not making reversals, but punctuation has gone completely out the window. She knows the rules and has followed them faithfully in the past. But while her brain is working on the one problem (and getting much better, I might add), it is not and cannot be focused on the punctuation rules. C'est la vie. It will all come together eventually.

This could very well be it. :)


I'm wondering if you need to allow fewer opportunities for your mother to make comments like that to your dd. I'd consider that before I'd consider changing my methods because of her comments.
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