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Back at it again

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OK, I figure I'd introduce myself and kind of explain my title. I am a mother of 4. 1 Stepson, and 2 boys of my own and one girl. I homeschooled my stepson for 3 years ending about 3 years ago. I homeschooled my next son for kindy and then sent him to ps. Well, the ps is failing my 8 yr. old and my 6 yr. old daughter in opposite ways. 8 yr. old is too advanced and they have no way to keep him engaged, and 6 yr. old needs some special help which they seem to be unable to provide. So I'm going back to hsing next year, actually we will begin as soon as this school year is out. I don't want to go through the hassle of pulling them out mid-year since I don't even know HOW to do that. So I figure this gives me time to plan and gather materials. So at any rate, I got rid of all my hs books and materials 3 yrs ago, so I'm back to curriculum shopping and WOW it is a challenge. Anyway, the only child I WON'T be hsing is my stepson who is almost 13 and has decided that he knows WAY more than I ever will, and thinks school is the greatest. So, I'm back to it, and now, tomorrow, I'm headed to B&N to pick up a copy of Well-Trained mind AGAIN. I can't wait to get to know all of you.

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