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looking at tents

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Here I am sitting in my warm livingroom, with over a foot of snow outside my windows, looking at tents on line for next summer. I was wondering if anybody out in WTM-land would be able to help me out. We need a tent that one queen air matress and 3 twin air matresses can fit comforably and even give us room to move...a little...and have room for a suitcase or two. Does anybody have such a creature? and if so, what brand is it, what size, where did you buy it, etc. We weren't sure if this is the time to be looking for something like this...or if we would find just as good of buys later in the spring....any thoughts on that too?? THANKS!!!!



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I'm not able to find it available any where right now (we bought ours at Cabela's), but the Columbia Cougar Flats II tent is fantastic! We have a queen air mattress in one "room" and two twin air mattresses in the other with loads of left over room. You could definitely fit a third twin in the second room. We loved the height in this tent, too. Dh and I are both fairly tall and we are to walk upright throughout the tent.


I also love the carrying bag. Everything fit back in AND it has wheels! No more lugging a heavy tent!


It is the best tent we've ever owned.

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thanks for the last two ideas...they look great....Sparrow...do you remember about how much you paid for this one?? It doesn't have a price on amazon.


I think the price was around $250. Seriously though, I am not able to find this tent online anywhere right now! We just bought it last winter. I've checked Amazon, Cabela's, & Bass Pro Shops. Good luck!

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Here is my tent -

Kingdom 4


We don't use mattresses, but all four of us can sleep in either side although the plan is for dh and I to sleep on one side and kids on the other.


We also have a gigantic tent like this coleman basecamp tent that we take when we take my mom camping - ours is much older. We have had two queen sized mattresses in it plus two kids in the middle.

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We also have a gigantic tent like this coleman basecamp tent that we take when we take my mom camping - ours is much older. We have had two queen sized mattresses in it plus two kids in the middle.


It has three rooms instead of two. Despite its size, it is fairly easy to set up because of its dome tent construction basis--still a two person job, though.


It's kind of embarrassing to have such a big tent as there are only three of us in our family.


How it happened was that we were looking for a bigger tent than our 3 person little dome tent once DD got bigger (a 3 person dome tent is barely big enough for two people plus one baby IMO). We had just about settled on a nice medium-sized tent, and then we happened to see this big Coleman one at Costco for the same price. We rolled our eyes at ourselves and bought it. We can literally blow up our king size air mattress in one side of this tent, and have way more space than that to walk around. This is the first tent I have ever had that I would enjoy being inside during inclement weather, which is kind of nice. Also, DD can have privacy (as she is 13, this is increasingly important to us.) and so can we (ditto).


The thing about Costco is, they order just a few models but then discount them heavily. The models are always of very good quality, not the most technical but quite good for all but serious backpacking; and the prices are outstanding. So my view of tent purchases as well as other equipment and seasonal items is that it's really worthwhile to check the local 'special availability' schedule for the Costco stores in the area, and not make that purchase until you see what they are going to have. Unless you want something very expensive and specialized, I think this would be your best deal. Costco also brings out great car camping and picnic supplies in the spring. Last year we bought a briefcase-size extended mess kit that is the best one I have ever seen. We have also bought iron cookware there, that we only use when we camp. And Coleman air mattresses with electric and foot pumps. Again, these are only available seasonally, but are worth the wait!

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The bad thing about the giant tents is that you have to start being careful of the size of the tent space at campgrounds, we've had problems setting up the giant one at places that have square tent pads. The good thing about them is that if you are out for a long time or if the weather turns bad and starts to hail every afternoon for an hour for a week then you have a place to hang out.

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