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Cinnamon Rolls--

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I'm making them for the 1st time, & I'm wondering a few things...


1. Can I stick the cake pans full of dough in the fridge & wait until tomorrow to cook them, so they're nice & fresh? Or will that do weird things?


2. The recipe made 3 pans of rolls--can I stick the other two pans in the freezer for later? Would I cook them first, or freeze the dough?


Fwiw, they're gfcf, & dh is likely to be the only one eating them. I've got a can of instant ones for everybody else, but when I saw how disappointed he was, I decided to try this recipe a little ahead of time for him. :001_wub:

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I have no experience with gfcf, but the regular type can definitely be put in the fridge in the pan....in fact, instead of doing the last "rise", I cover with plastic wrap or foil, put them in the fridge over night and they do an incredibly slow rise, lol. In the morning bring them to room temp before putting in the oven (30 minutes is typically more than enough).


For freezing, I take them out of the pan after the fridge rising and wrap them in foil and then put the foil into a freezer bag. This frees up my pan but they will keep the shape of the pan so later I can unwrap and plop the frozen rolls directly into the same pan. Let thaw in the fridge overnight, bring to room temp and bake as always.


I hope that your husband enjoys his treat!

Edited by ConnieB
included the "cover with plastic or foil"
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I bake and freeze baked goods all the time, including cinnamon rolls. If you freeze them right after being baked, they taste just as good as ones that are frozen unbaked and then baked later. Both ways work. :)


I always find that baked good frozen and reheated have a drier and more rubbery texture....so whenever possible I freeze, thaw, rise and bake. of course if by some odd chance we bake too many and have to freeze the baked ones that isn't going to stop me from eating them, lol. Come to think of it, not much would stop me.


Plus of course there is the incredible smell of baking cinnamon rolls filling the house...zapping them the smell just doesn't last long enough, lol.

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