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Box Turtle--anyone have one for a pet?

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My daughter wants a box turtle. I was just wondering how much they cost to buy and get the set up, feed, etc. Are they a lot of care? Do they smell? How about disease? Lifespan?


We already have 3 horses, 2 cats, 10 chickens, a dog, and a few fish but now she wants a box turtle.

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My daughter wants a box turtle. I was just wondering how much they cost to buy and get the set up, feed, etc. Are they a lot of care? Do they smell? How about disease? Lifespan?


We already have 3 horses, 2 cats, 10 chickens, a dog, and a few fish but now she wants a box turtle.


I am not especially knowledgeable about reptiles but we had an iguana once and the feeding requirements were very specific. Check with reputable sources to make sure it's feasible.

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I'm pretty sure that they carry salmonella. My sister has a red eared slider that she found injured on the side of the road. No rescue place will take it (they are full) so she's stuck with it. She's a vet tech though, so she loves animals. She thoroughly washes her hands when she's finished messing with him or anything in his cage.

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We have one! Rescued him from the road, actually my neighbor rescued him. He is a piece of cake. No smell, as long as you keep fresh water in his habitat, and we never feed him in there either. Always feed him in the kitchen- he LOVES cherry tomatoes! He eats about once a week, sometimes once every other week. There are days I try to feed him and he could care less about eating. From what I have read that's pretty typical. We let him walk around a bit after he finishes eating, and put him back in his 'cage'. We always wash our hands thoroughly after touching him-he loves to have his head rubbed:D. Our guy is very social, he rarely hides in his shell.


My cousins snake outgrew his terrarium and he gave it to us, heater and all. So, cost wise, I am no help. As far as lifespan, this guy will probably outlive me! They can get to be pretty old. ;)

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