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Just No Pleasing Me Today

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Wolf is off to play hockey with his buddies. Normally, its a 'go and have fun' sincerely said and wished. Today it was said with gritted teeth. I'm completely exhausted, and desperately need a nap. *He* didn't do anything wrong by going out, that's not what I'm saying...just that today it seems like everything is getting to me.


Then he got a call about snow removal. Yay! He's not been working since the seasonal layoff at his other job, over a month ago.


I overhear him talking to the guy, and agreeing to a 1030 pm start. Tonight.


We have a Christmas party tonight. That we were invited to at the end of October. That I've been looking forward to since. That we'd even discussed this am. He starts tonight, and obviously, those plans are blown to smithereens.


Its not that I don't want him working, I do. Just not on the ONE night we actually have flipping plans for, for the ONLY Christmas party we'd been invited to this year!



I realize this sounds pretty trivial, a party. We just rarely ever get out though, and when we do, its to socialize with each other, not as a couple with other adults! Heck, the last time we went out with another couple, with no kids, was with his cousin and wife, for our third wedding anniversary, and I was pregnant with Princess! I was just so looking forward to us going out as a couple, to meet up with other people.


Wolf, to his credit, did offer to call the guy back...but I'm worried too, that if he says, "Look, we've had plans for 3 months for this eve..." that the guy may just find someone else, period.


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I'm sorry today isn't a great day for you! :grouphug:


I agree with other posters, I'd go to the party for a little while, just to get out and enjoy even a small amount of time together and with others. I say that assuming the proximity of the party and your house are feasible in terms of your Dh getting to his job. If you have to drive a distance and it's not worth going, then I guess it would make sense to stay home... and that means you need more :grouphug:.

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