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Any favorite gluten-free hors d'oeuvres ?

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We have always had finger foods, etc. on Christmas Eve, but now that my mom has celiac, I was tyring to think of adding a new one.


We've always had:



chicken nuggets (a no-no for her now)

chicken wings

spinach dip with bread (a no-no for her now except with veggies)

cheese and crackers (a no-no for her now)


carrots and cucumbers


I'm adding delived eggs


I've got desserts covered.

Edited by nestof3
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Chicken nuggets? We like the Bell and Evans GFCF nuggets. Or, you can make your own with gf breadcrumbs.


Meatballs are easy -- use crushed GF pretzels instead of bread.


Do cheese with rice crackers. "Mary's Gone Crackers" makes good ones.


Other ideas:


Boiled shrimp with cocktail sauce

GF sausage balls (google "GF Bisquick recipe")

GF Chex mix

Olives stuffed with cream cheese

GF (and msg-free) onion dip (Use gf Better than Bouillon paste, onion powder and celery seed in sour cream, instead of Lipton Onion soup mix)





P.S. Kudos to you for making it easy for your mom! :)

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You can still have meatballs, IF you make them with gluten-free bread. Most of the ones you buy in the freezer case have gluten from "filler"-bread- that is in them. If you normally put these in bbq sauce look for one that is gluten-free. Kraft is a good one, but read the specific bottle as ingredients can and do change.


You could make some homemade chicken nuggets either with a breading that is gluten-free or rolled in something like crackers or chips that are gluten-free.


Deviled eggs are a good idea.


You could also make the spinach dip in a bowl and then serve it with tortilla chips or frito chips. The plain ones are gluten-free, but the flavored ones usually have gluten containing ingredients.


You can make chex mix. Just look at the package. The corn and rice ones are now gluten-free. Woo-hoo, but I love me some chex.


You can find gluten-free crackers in some grocery stores and natural food stores or you could serve your cheese platter with tortilla chips.


Here is a site that I love. She was older when she received her dx and has devoted her time to informing others.




Of course veggies, fruits, and meats are naturally gluten free. You just have to watch the stuff you put on them like soy sauce (which almost always has wheat), bbq sauce, and some other dips and things.


I could go on and on. I love talking about food and sharing what we are going through on our new gluten-free journey.


Just remember that the most important thing for your mom is the time that she gets to spend with you and your family and that anything else is just secondary to that.

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Thanks ladies!


I love the blog mentioned. I have had it bookmarked.


We buy the nuggets for the boys. :)


My mom makes the meatballs and uses oats (I found her some Bob's Red Mill that are gf), so she just needs to find a chili sauce that is gf.


I will definitely look into those crackers. The boys would love the Chex mix too.


My mom would really appreciate the shrimp. Thanks!

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