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Can I ask ladies on Facebook for a favor? :)

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My dh is in a video contest for the online college he's attending (to finally finish his bachelor's!) and there is a prize for the video that gets the most votes!


If this sort of thing is not allowed on the boards, forgive me and I'll understand if it's removed.


Anyhow, dh has lost his job several times due to bad luck, bad economy and he couldn't even get a second position anywhere recently to supplement our income. So he went back to college in the hopes that when he finishes in a year he will be able to either negotiate more money or find a new position that can support us.


The video contest is simply to show, in 3 minutes or less, what 24 hours is like in the day of a Liberty University Online student. There are 3 top prizes (first prize is a semester of tuition paid for!) and then a prize for the video with the most votes, which is a $500 voucher for school books.


Here is how to vote for my dh if you feel inclined to help us out! No pressure. :)


1. Go to FaceBook and search for Liberty University Online (it will be the first one in the results with the most members)


2. Become a Fan of Liberty University Online (the contest is over by the 21st so feel free to un-Fan yourself after that! lol)


3. Go take a look at dh's video: http://www.facebook.com/#/video/video.php?comments&v=1095869896529


4. In the comment section on his video page, simply write "Vote!" That's it!


Thank you very much!

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I loved the video! It was inspiring to me as well because I'm seriously considering going for my masters with an online program through Boston University. What an amazing age we live in...


Well, I sure hope your dh gets plenty of votes and wins the scholarship. Be sure to let us all know!




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What did you get your degree in? Dh is really loving his studies and is doing well! It's a very well organized program, IMO.


I was in the Psych program. I didn't get my degree though. I still have a couple semesters worth to go. I couldn't put into it what I knew I should, so I'm putting it off for when I can focus on it a bit more.

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Did you become a fan of the Liberty University Online group first?


Ahhhh, that is what I get for speed reading -it seems to be the only way I read nowadays - where did my focus go??? I skipped right over your #2 instruction - I just saw that link in the next part and clicked! LOL


I voted!! Good luck!!!!

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Thank you, everyone!! The voting actually went on today as well and dh fell into 2nd place...there are still 2 hours left! I really appreciate everyone taking the time to help him out. There is the possibility that he could win one of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd prizes tomorrow that are not based on voting so I'll let you all know.


You're great! Thanks!

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