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antibiotic, probiotic and "rumbly tummy"

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THis one is a bit confusing for me. I was on 10 days of Cipro last month for a kidney infection. I took lots of probiotics and kefir - not problems.


This week I've been on Zpack for a sinus infection. My tummy has been a bit rumbly and yesterday started with diarrhea (of course, it was dh's office party). I have been taking tons of probiotic and kefir this time to avoid just such a problem. I ran out yesterday and switched to a stronger probiotic by the way. I thought the problem was from the antibiotic and I should take more probiotic, stay on it longer, and keep up the kefir.


Well, a pharmacist at the party last night said it could be the probiotic upsetting my tummy too. Too much of a good thing, she said, could also cause tummy upset. By the way, I didn't bring up this subject at a party, she asked point blank why I was not eating all the yummy desserts and snacks.


So, could I possibly be taking too much probiotic? Is there such a thing? Other suggestions for stopping this problem?

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If the diarrhea continues you need to speak with your doctor.


Being on antibiotics for as long as you have can lead to a condition in which the normal "good" bacteria have all been killed off and "bad" bacteria have colonized in your colon.

C. Diff or Clostridium Difficile is the name of the bacteria and it can cause severe damage and sometimes even death.


The biggest risk factor is taking antibiotics.


Even though you have taken probiotics and drunk kefir, you should speak with your doctor.


The treatment is more antibiotics, but those which target the c. diff bacteria.


Hope you feel better soon.

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We take probiotics here as well with our antibiotics, but, we wait until the perscription is done until we start taking the probiotics. During the time we are taking the antibiotic, I just make sure that we eat a little more yogurt and things like that.


I agree, if you are taking the probiotics at the same time as antibiotics then I think your just wasting your money on probiotics...I think the antibiotics are just killing the probiotics.


One other suggestion. I went through a weekend hospital stay a few years ago with diverticulitis. I was 38 and had no idea what I was in for. With all of the IV antibiotics, and several weeks of antibiotics after I was released I was totally messed up. My stomach acted up for months and months, so I finally concluded...and doc's did too, that I had IBS. Somewhere in there I also found out I had a bad gall bladder. Anyway, after 6 months of never knowing what would upset my stomach, I finally started on....Metamucil gel caps. THEY made the difference. I had been using probiotics and getting insoluble fiber from my whole wheat bread...but I was missing out on the soluble fiber. So for me those three things were the key ingredient to helping me out...probiotics, soluble fiber, and insoluble fiber. In your case I'd just keep eating healthy, add in the gel caps and wait for the antibiotics to run out before starting the probiotics.


Hope this helps,


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:iagree: Yogurt is a good thing.


We take probiotics here as well with our antibiotics, but, we wait until the perscription is done until we start taking the probiotics. During the time we are taking the antibiotic, I just make sure that we eat a little more yogurt and things like that.
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