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The Cranford Chronicles by Elizabeth Gaskell...

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I haven't read The Cranford Chronicles, but I've read others.


North and South. Wonderful book and the BBC movie is excellent!!


Wives and Daughters. Not as good as North and South (both book and movie), but still terrific.


Ruth. This is the one you might want to pre-read. It is an excellent book about God's grace, but the main character spends some time as the mistress of a man and gives birth to a baby out of wedlock. Lots of great things to think about and discuss, though, and the author has a real message to share in this one.

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The North and South miniseries was racy compared to the book. I was pretty scandalized to see the story end with them kissing--at a railway station! In public!! (In the book she hides her head on his shoulder. And ta-da!--they're engaged.)

:001_smile: Thanks. I could live with kissing in a railway station.

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The North and South miniseries was racy compared to the book. I was pretty scandalized to see the story end with them kissing--at a railway station! In public!! (In the book she hides her head on his shoulder. And ta-da!--they're engaged.)


I was scandalized, too! The hussy! :D and he had his shirt collar OPEN!


My dds think I'm being too fussy, but really, they would NOT have behaved that way.


That being said, I really liked the miniseries and the book, although I felt the book explained a few things better than the miniseries.


Wives and Daughters was a great book, too. The miniseries of that kinda made me nuts because the girl who played the main character walked around with her mouth hanging open half the time. And a couple of the other characters were miscast, imnsho.


Ooops, sorry, I forgot to answer your original question: no, I don't remember any sax or physical or emotional abuse in either one of these. Elizabeth Gaskell can be counted on to be clean. :)

Edited by Mothersweets
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I'm reading Cranford Chronicles right now and haven't encountered anything racy or sexual. There certainly isn't anything like that in the movie. It's not really even a love story. It's just the events that happen in a town full of mostly elderly women who want the town to stay simple and not become modernized like the rest of the country. It's a delightful story!


North and South and Wives and Daughters are both excellent movies and books as well.




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