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Help implementing MCT?


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But now I'm even MORE confused. Am I supposed to get through all the grammar books first?


You're supposed to go through the book that teaches the grammar first - that's Grammar Island. After that you go through the other books (writing, vocabulary, poetics, practice). You don't have to do them all on the same day, though.

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This is what we're doing (I'm assuming that level 1 means Island level). Keep in mind that I had these materials on my shelf for a year because I couldn't figure out how to implement them!


Anyway, this year in a fit of desperation I did what it said on the website. We did Grammar Island over about 6 weeks and then did Sentence Island over another 6 weeks. We started doing the practice book after we finished Grammar Island, doing one sentence per day as a discussion rather than as an assignment. We just finished Sentence Island, and I intend to start with the vocabulary book after the holiday. Then I will do the poetry book last.


We are also sort of doing the literature the way MCT suggests, in that my son is reading classic literature, half assigned by me and half that he chooses from a list (my list, not specifically the one included in Classics in the Classroom). We discuss about half of what he reads.


I didn't really use any set schedule. We just did about 15 minutes of grammar each day. Doing it this way is completely against my nature as I am a planner. However, I have to say that it worked and is working remarkably well.

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