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Anyone here have a Body Bugg?

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The Body Bugg is that thing contestants on the Biggest Loser wear on their arms. I bought one for myself a few weeks ago, they are on sale at Costco till 1/3/10 ($20 off plus 6 extra months of online support.) I love it! I've been dieting and exercising since June and had gotten to a point these last few months where I was only losing a pound or so a week, I know, I know, people say it's good, but I wanted more. Since using the Body Bugg I've lost 8 lbs! I know what I'm burning, I know what I'm eating and I'm losing the weight my calorie deficit says I should. Plus it drives me to exercise more. Anyone else have one?


Just a little mini-review in case any of you were thinking of getting one. :D

Edited by Karenciavo
Costco sale extended
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I saw that sale at Costly-co, and I was very tempted. I looked at them second-hand on ebay, but they were still too expensive for me.

I still really want one....:glare: I'm glad to hear you are enjoying yours!

I'd love to understand how an over-200-lb woman can average 1200-1500 calories per day and still not lose weight....was thinking the BodyBugg might help with that.

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The Body Bugg is that thing contestants on the Biggest Loser wear on their arms. I bought one for myself a few weeks ago, they are on sale at Costco till 1/3/10 ($20 off plus 6 extra months of online support.) I love it! I've been dieting and exercising since June and had gotten to a point these last few months where I was only losing a pound or so a week, I know, I know, people say it's good, but I wanted more. Since using the Body Bugg I've lost 8 lbs! I know what I'm burning, I know what I'm eating and I'm losing the weight my calorie deficit says I should. Plus it drives me to exercise more. Anyone else have one?


Just a little mini-review in case any of you were thinking of getting one. :D


Karen- I don't have a Body Bug, but I do have a Polar heart rate monitor and watch. I love it! It is so encouraging to see the calories ticking upward! :D It definitely helps me to eat right. When I see that I have burned 550 calories, I am more likely to make a good food choice so those burned calories are not in vain.


Can we see some after pics? You prolly ;) look like a hot mama!:D

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