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Do you own a Wii?

Does your family own a Wii?  

  1. 1. Does your family own a Wii?

    • Yes and we love it!
    • Yes, but we could take it or leave it.
    • Not yet, but we will by Christmas.
    • No, but we probably will one day.
    • No, and we don't ever plan to.
    • Other

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My 2nd ds bought his younger siblings one last Christmas. They love it, and I like that they're moving around while they play.


I agree. Our oldest went in on it with us last year as a family gift. We really didnt' want to do video games this time around (the oldest always had a system), but I love that it gets my younger ones moving on days they have no other option. They are not nearly as obsessed with it as my older one was with all of the Sega and then Playstation games, but that suits me just fine. It is just another great option for exercise and fun instead of a magnet.

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Yes, we have one. The kids really wanted one and I told them they were welcome to save their money to purchase one. It took them almost 2 years but they saved their birthday and chanukah money, and did extra chores to earn money.


As a family, we all love the Wii Fit. Especially now that it is too dang cold to play outside for long. I only allow games where you have to move. If they want to sit there and exercise their thumbs they each have a DS.

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