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How teacher-intensive is MCT Language Arts?


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Well, I haven't yet used the whole program, but I have been using World of Poetry in a co-op setting all semester, and based on that I would say that it's teacher-led, rather than student. It never feels like "work," though; it's conversational. It's not, though, a program meant for the student to work through solo--the program is designed to be socratic. :)

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MCT doesn't take a lot of time or prep-work, but it does require the teacher for the actual lesson - other than the practice book or the actual pen to paper work of the writing assignments, it pretty much all involves the teacher engaging and discussing the material with the student. It's definitely not a hand the kids the book and correct the answers later type of curriculum. But it's also open-and-go, so I've found it fun, engaging and no stress for me.

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Do y'all think it would be doable to do four different levels at one time? Each of my dc is in such a different place w/ regards to grammar, writing, etc.


Could you pair them up? At least at the beginning? Then once they get the hang of it, maybe at least the older ones could do some on their own...



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MCT is teacher-intensive because the program involves lots of teacher-student interaction. But the actual teaching time is not that much. I'd say at Island level 30-45 minutes a week is plenty, and for Town level 45-60 minutes. Remember, you are not going through all 4 books simultaneously, so the reading and discussion won't take that long. After you go through the material with your student, you can assign independent work like reviews (I have ds re-read what we cover once a week), tests, and practice book pages.

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