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Activities in SOTW

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Several times now, I've wondered if the authors actually tried the activities suggested. Sometimes, I've been smart enough to see how insane the idea is. Other time, I've been less smart.


For example:


Making a plaster and broken tile mosaic with elementary children doesn't yield the best results. First, it said to make the base two inches thick! Do you know how thick that actually is when you are using a gallon milk container for the shape? It's practically a ball of plaster! Then trying to make the random shaped broken tiles into something. LOL Not an easy task especially when your plaster sets up in a matter of minutes.


Or today's task:


Make a castle out of coco puffs and melted marshmallows. Yeah, right! What we got was a set of gooey, sticky globs here and there. And it suggested making windows and doors in it. Ha! It tasted sweet and yummy though...and dairy free when made with dairy free margarine.


What were they thinking?



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We DID plan them out. It didn't help the finished product look like any discernible design. Then there was Sam, who thought he was suppose to take the tiles out of the plaster after he put them in it. Not sure where he got that idea. And mine solidified before I could get all of the pieces in the plaster. I probably didn't mix the plaster right. The weirdest thing was the two inch thick base...not sure why it needed to be so thick. I think a one inch base would have been plenty and when I do it again with my younger set, I'll go with pie tins instead of milk jugs since they have a flat bottom.


Here's my blog post of the mosaics so you can see how they turned out.


I'm working on pictures of the castle now.

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My children did the mosaic at our hs co-op. The teacher had them glue broken pieces of tile to a whole white tile. They came out great!


That would probably be a lot easier, though, if you do the plaster method you get what we got: a much better appreciation for the highly skilled artists that make mosaics.

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Speaking of activities in SOTW...


There are several with templates and instructions that say "enlarged copy of template". Is there somewhere I haven't found where it says how much to enlarge the templates? My guesses haven't worked very well so far.

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It's been a few years since we did any SOTW, and I loved the books but I do remember having to alter several of the crafts. The mosaic is in book 2, right? I remember having a few crafts in that book that used Plaster of Paris... I have vowed never to use that stuff again. :glare:

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I found the activities fine for young children but not so great as they got older and were capable of doing something of better quality. Using food and toilet rolls to make stuff isn't really my idea of great activities. By the time we hit SoTW2 we were supplimenting heavily. I used the AG for 1 extensively, for 2 sporadically, and for 3 very little. I'm not sure I'll even bother with the AG for 4.

I know it also has suggested reading, but most of those aren't available in Australia. I did use the narration stuff and maps a lot in the first two though.

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