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Help me stay awake from 2-4 pm!

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It's a habit I've had my whole life- I love to nap!!! My house used to be "the napping house" when my kids were little, but now that my youngest is 4, I'm the only one who wants (craves) a nap. I think I would get so much more done if I could work through that nap, but it is so hard!! I've tried drinking green tea, but it doesn't perk me up. Coffee doesn't do much for me either. I like the 5 hour energy drinks but can't afford to drink one every day. The caffeine pills do a number on my stomach. Any suggestions?? BTW, I do get enough sleep at night, so that's not the issue. I truly think it's my "escape", and I'm horribly addicted!

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It is perfectly natural and acceptable to nap at that time of day, in many parts of the world. Why give yourself such a hard time for it? I nap then too and I am grateful for the energy recharge so that I can get through the rest of my day without feeling tired.

Even in the Well Trained Mind SWB or Jessie talks about napping. Put your kids in their rooms, train them to rest at that time, and enjoy your napping!

If you feel you are wasting your time, do some reading - that's what I do, because by bedtime in the evening I am too tired to read much.


Caffeine, energy drinks etc will compromise your health. They are not good for you. In the long run they will hurt you. Napping is good for you. SO what's the problem? :)

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I'm a napper, too...I have found that even if I just get 30 minutes of laying down with my eyes closed, it helps me make it through the rest of the day. I've felt guilty about it for years...which is a crazy thing to feel guilty about...but I am just so much happier if I get my down time to rejuvenate myself! Maybe some of us are just wired that way?!? Maybe we all need to go to bed earlier?

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I weened myself off of afternoon naps but it took some doing. ;) I would shorten your nap and make yourself get up after an hour and see how that goes. If you are taking 2 hours out of your sleep time you will need to sleep more at night. I'm happy with nine hours of sleep. I agree with napping on the couch and no dark rooms. It makes for easier waking. If you feel you need to change your sleep patterns you can do it. (If not go for the siesta.)

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I've been reading your posts, and it's comforting to know I'm not the only one who "needs" the nap. I think the guilt comes from knowing that there's so much to do and so little time to do it when you homeschool. I always feel behind! I've tried to shorten the nap, and I do usually only sleep a little over an hour. Maybe I should try to get up a couple hours earlier and get stuff done; then I wouldn't feel so guilty about the nap!

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try a caffeine nap:

quickly drink a big cup of strong coffee

go lie down immediately

turn alarm clock for 20(max 25) mins.

GET up when the clock goes off, even if you feel like %^&*!@#, and drink a glass of water. (helps if you put it right by your bed so you swing your legs over and start drinking right away). Then pop outside for a few minutes - just around the yard or on the balcony or just stand in the door doing some overhead arm stretches, getting some fresh air, for literally only a few minutes. Total time for this should be 30 min.


By the time you're waking up, the coffee will have started to work.


Kids get quiet time/reading/short dvd during this time.

Edited by hornblower
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I am SO glad to hear that I'm not the only one addicted to naps. I love sleeping and even my kids know it. Since I got pregnant and have been so sick, I've been known to take a morning AND afternoon nap. :blush: Lately, I've been doing better, I try and nap for about 30 mins every afternoon. I need it to get through dinner and the evening. I don't feel guilty at all.

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