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How do you keep chickens warm in an unheated hen house?

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They should be fine into the teens as long as they're in an enclosure that blocks the wind. We have ours in a little hutch that's open in the front--last winter it got down to 8 or 9 degrees a few nights; we just hung a tarp in front of the opening, and they were fine.

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It can get in the teens here.
That sounds like a "three-chicken night" to me! :D


I'm thinking ours will be OK just with themselves in their house. The part I hate about chickens in the wintertime is keeping water thawed for them. I've already spent a fortune on these animals and I don't want to a heater out there all winter long...



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Our hen house is not heated, with no option of electric heat. How did farmers of old keep their chickens alive through the winter? It can get in the teens here. Thanks for any advice. Obviously we're new to this! ;-)


Your chickens will be fine this winter. They won't need any heat or insulation with occasional winter weather in the teens. (If it dropped below 0 for weeks at a time I might consider doing something.) Just make sure they have plenty of ventilation, no drafts/direct breezes, and liquid water.

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That sounds like a "three-chicken night" to me! :D


I'm thinking ours will be OK just with themselves in their house. The part I hate about chickens in the wintertime is keeping water thawed for them. I've already spent a fortune on these animals and I don't want to a heater out there all winter long...




Do you have access to electricity in their coop? If so, just take a cement block, put a lightbulb down in the center hole, and place a gallon plastic waterer on top. The lightbulb will give off enough heat to keep the water from freezing. I think we use a 40 watt bulb for this. Easy, safe, and cheap.

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Do you have access to electricity in their coop? If so, just take a cement block, put a lightbulb down in the center hole, and place a gallon plastic waterer on top. The lightbulb will give off enough heat to keep the water from freezing. I think we use a 40 watt bulb for this. Easy, safe, and cheap.
Thanks, we may give something like this a try!
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