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Question for sock knitters

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I'm trying my hand at knitting socks. The pattern I'm following calls for 4 inches of k2p2 ribbing followed by another 4 inches of knitting. That seems kind of long to me...especially for the ribbing part. Can I just shorten the ribbing and/or knitting to whatever length I want?


I'm following an adult size small (foot length 9 inches) pattern using needles one size smaller than called for in hopes it fits my son whose foot is 8 inches long. A shorter sock would definitely make sense for him.


This is my first ever sock. I've never knitted on double pointed needles before. I've never used four needles before. It's going well and actually looks decent...only a barely noticeable part where I didn't join it tight enough. Even the perfectionist part of me is ok with this. :001_smile:

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You should be able to shorten the ribbing with no problem. Just knit the leg tube as long as you want it to be before the heel. The ribbing can be as long or short as looks good to you. Just remember to write down how many rounds you actually did knit, so that your other sock matches. :D

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Wow, that is a long cuff. I like long-ish cuffs, but only about 6" total. I usually do about 1.25-1.5" of ribbing and then the rest in stockinette for a "vanilla" sock. (Ds1 likes ankle socks so for him I do 2" ribbing then go straight to the heel.) Changing needle sizes may or may not do the trick. What kind of yarn are you using? And what needle size? I find that for the foot length I can knit to about where the bottom of my big toe is before I start my decreases. That's at about 8" with 9.5" total. Anyway, foot length would be like cuff length--go to whatever length you need. As for "laddering" (gaps where the needles change), you can reduce this by using 5 needles instead of 4. Even if you stick with 4 your second sock will be better just from the experience you're building. I love knitting socks--hope you enjoy yours too.




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I'm using Bernat Sox yarn and number 2 needles. I'm on their mailing list and got an email featuring this lovely yarn. They have the coolest looking crochet sock pattern where the sock is camouflage patterned. I crocheted one sock with the blue camo...it looks great but the lack of stretch in crochet makes it impossible to put on. That's when I decided to go buy needles and try to knit them instead. Unfortunately, it doesn't knit up into camo pattern.


I'll measure to try for a better fit. I don't want to measure his foot any more than I have because I'm knitting them right in front of him (he's not too observant) and he hasn't figured it out. LOL


I got the kids' foot lengths by making a foot Advent countdown...I had them step on paper and I draw around around their feet, then cut them out. I snuck in measurements while I was cutting. I will tape the feet, which are numbered now, to the wall like someone is walking to the tree.


DS7 is getting green camo, DD9 is getting pink camo, DD2 is getting blue camo.

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I haven't used Bernat Sox but I looked up the pattern. I think what you're doing will work fine. I actually prefer to use a needle size smaller because the fabric it produces is softer--nicer on the feet. My first pair of socks was Lion Brand Magic Stripes. The pattern says to use US3's. When I put on the socks it was like wearing Brillo. Ick! Now that I have a little more experience I generally knit socks on 1 or 1.5. Even when the yarn (like the Paton's Jacquard Socks I'm using now) calls for 3's.


Enjoy--gift socks are so cool. Now to cast on for dh's Christmas socks . . .





PS--bummer about the camo not working out. My ds's are into the camo theme too but I hadn't even thought about knitting socks! Now I'll have to hunt down some camo yarn.

Edited by Cinder
added ps
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I haven't used Bernat Sox but I looked up the pattern. I think what you're doing will work fine. I actually prefer to use a needle size smaller because the fabric it produces is softer--nicer on the feet. My first pair of socks was Lion Brand Magic Stripes. The pattern says to use US3's. When I put on the socks it was like wearing Brillo. Ick! Now that I have a little more experience I generally knit socks on 1 or 1.5. Even when the yarn (like the Paton's Jacquard Socks I'm using now) calls for 3's.


Enjoy--gift socks are so cool. Now to cast on for dh's Christmas socks . . .





PS--bummer about the camo not working out. My ds's are into the camo theme too but I hadn't even thought about knitting socks! Now I'll have to hunt down some camo yarn.


You should check out this yarn. It's not in the big blocks that camo is normally in but it will match perfectly...and it is knitting up really soft.


I have a friend that loves socks, really appreciates gifts of any kind but especially handmade, and loves aqua. I was thinking of making up a pair for her using the Hot Tamale color.

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My Facebook status currently says "Knitting goes much quicker when you actually know what you are doing." LOL


I think I've spent more time unknitting than I have knitting this darn sock! I made a huge hole that I think was caused by me accidentally picking it up after a break and going the wrong way. Then I couldn't figure out what I kept getting garter stitch rather than stockinette. It hadn't occurred to me that knitting in the round would be different from a flat piece. I'm now knitting along quite happily, leaving a row of garter stitch that I refuse to go back and fix. I'll just make the same mistake on the other sock and call it good.


Next pair will be better, that's for sure.

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I made a huge hole that I think was caused by me accidentally picking it up after a break and going the wrong way.


Next pair will be better, that's for sure.



Funny--I just did this today too. I did cast on for dh's socks and after a couple rounds had to put it down. Picked it up, knit one needle, and discovered I had knit the wrong way with the TAIL OF MY CAST ON! :tongue_smilie:


Yes, next pair will be better. My first sock I ripped out twice before I finished. But finishing the first is so motivating that the second sock goes much faster.




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