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Artist to study during Advent/Christmas

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Maybe instead of one artist, you could look at different depictions of the Nativity--might be fun to find an ancient one (like an icon or something--although the icon writers are usually anonymous), a Renaissance one, and a modern one to compare. I like my dd to know things don't have to be drawn a certain way--gives her more confidence in her own art! ;)

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Maybe instead of one artist, you could look at different depictions of the Nativity--might be fun to find an ancient one (like an icon or something--although the icon writers are usually anonymous), a Renaissance one, and a modern one to compare. I like my dd to know things don't have to be drawn a certain way--gives her more confidence in her own art! ;)



Ooh! I like that! :D I already planned on taking them to a church that has over 100 nativities displayed, so this would be perfect! Thanks!

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They often have very large icons of the Heilige Paar or the holy family. Icons tend to be copied over and over, so they are often based on very old images. Locally some Orthodox churches offer tours.


There is a book recommended in SOTWII AG called "Let's Take A Walk Through An Orthodox Church" that explains the other facets of the orthodox church layout--if you can get it, it would be great to preview. Also, in our local orthodox church is a small orthodox bookstore. I picked up a children's book about icons there--it had 8 1/2 by 11 pictures of the more famous icon designs, and described what they meant in Christian terms. It has been a great resource! (They also had some children's books from Concordia Publishing House for sale. It made me feel right at home, LOL!)


Another idea:

Last year there was an outstanding exhibit here in town about Leonardo DaVinci, and to prepare for that and supplement our Renaissance studies I bought a big, gorgeous book of Renaissance paintings. I used it for my devotions this last Lenten season--I would look at one or two each day, very carefully, figuring out the symbolism and the Biblical allusions. There were a lot of paintings that related to Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. I'll bet that you could find a great book like that at your library.


My DD's favorite is the Caraveggio Madonna.

I'm partial to the DaVinci painting of the arrival of the Wise Men.

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Wonderful ideas, all of them, ladies. I am taking note of each and every one because I'm an art teacher in a Christian school.


I think that a theme rather than an artist is a great way to go. I've had my students do a unit on gothic stained glass windows which was a beautiful study during Christmas. Many of the windows have the nativity or related themes, and they are so colorful. For history, you can add in a bit about the glaziers that created the windows and their particular art and craft.


To go along with this, I had the children create little rosette windows that looked like stained glass. They were made with black construction paper cut out and the openings were filled with colored tissue paper. We laminated them and suspended them with ribbons so they could be hung in the window as light catchers. They were just gorgeous and made great gifts for the students to take home.


This Christmas we are going to take a look at various artists throughout history that have depicted angels. We'll then do a block print project and create our own angels. These will make great Christmas gifts too.


I love sharing ideas like this. Thanks everyone!




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held at Grace UCC

5700 Leona

Saturday, December 5th 1pm-6pm


Sunday, December 6th 11am-2pm

(after worship at 10 am)

Please join us for this unique display of

approximately 100 nativity scenes.

In addition to the nativity display we will have:

*Christmas shopping including

Plowsharing Crafts

Scholastic Book Fair

Handmade Cards

Handmade Stained glass items


*Christmas refreshments


If you would like to display your nativity scene, please bring it to Grace United Church of Christ’s office before December 4th. Please call 481-5700 to arrange a drop-off time.


If you would like to have a table to sell items, please call 481-5700 to arrange for set-up on Dec. 4th.


There is no charge for attending or setting up a booth, so please plan to join us!

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