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Nominative Predicate = Subject Compliment??

christine in al

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A predicate nominative is a subject complement. Other subject complements are predicate adjective, direct object, and indirect object.
Subject complements can be predicate nominatives or predicate adjectives, but not the other forms you've listed.
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Subject complements can be predicate nominatives or predicate adjectives, but not the other forms you've listed.


Actually, she was right. Direct object and indirect objects are sentence complements. This website explains that there are 5 sentence complements. We are using KISS grammar and he also includes DO and IO as sentence complements.

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There is a difference between a subject complement and a sentence complement, though.

I don't see that KISS grammar differentiates. I did misread the original post. I thought she was asking about sentence complements. But now that I look closer I see that KISS talks only about "complements."


Ah well. that 's what I get for responding when I am dead tired. Can't even read correctly. :)

Edited by cajun.classical
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There is a difference between a subject complement and a sentence complement, though.


My favorite MCT quote: "A subject is a subject and an object is an object."


A subject complement can be either a predicate nominative (nominative means subject case) or a predicate adjective, and will follow a linking verb.


Sentence complements would include those as well as direct and indirect objects, which will only follow transitive action verbs.


An object cannot be a subject complement, because something that is objective case cannot be simultaneously subjective case.

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