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SOTW 1- activity book?


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Have you all found the activity book to be especially useful?


or would I be ok using just the text?


I'm using religious resources for the bulk of history and using SOTW to fill in the gaps, and give the kids an idea of the type of lifestyle of these periods..so mostly a 'filler'



We are doing SOTW 1, and really like it. We do the maps out of the activity guide, real easy to use. My son doesn't do much of the coloring pages, mostly I just show them to him. The activity guide also gives alot of project ideas and other book,literature ideas to use as well. We really like it. Amazon offers a good price if you do decide.

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No, I don't have another resource for maps/activities, except the one that nova mama just posted!!:)


I was just trying to decide whether or not I'd even do the activities. I have a 6yo, 4yo, 1yo and am due with #4 in a few months time (read: I'm beat! lol) BUT, on the other hand, I'm not the type that would just think up some great idea for an activity to go with what we've learned and my 6yo is a busy-bee, always wants to be doing/learning something.

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My kids really liked the coloring pages that came with SOTW1. We used the maps about a third of the time. I think that review questions that go with each chapter are really well written. The best part is the lists of resources to go with each chapter; we got many, many library books out as a result of the activity guide.

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We are doing SOTW 1, and really like it. We do the maps out of the activity guide, real easy to use. My son doesn't do much of the coloring pages, mostly I just show them to him. The activity guide also gives alot of project ideas and other book,literature ideas to use as well. We really like it. Amazon offers a good price if you do decide.


Ditto, my son doesn't do much of the coloring, but he loves doing the maps. Sometime I do coloring pages though! :lol: We read through the review questions, do the narrations and I use the book recommendations as well as some the craft ideas.

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Couldn't live without it. In fact, if I had to choose between the two, I think I'd get the activity guide. We use it mainly for the list of books for each chapter - I usually find 4-6 at the library. Occasionally we use the maps and other resources. I haven't done any of the activities as I'm not into doing projects and stuff like that. But the books we've found through this resource have been wonderful!

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I wouldn't use SOTW without the AG, :thumbup: but that is ME. My #2 loves the coloring pages, although both olders dislike the review questions and summaries that I make them do. We have gotten many, many nice books off the resource lists (mostly literature lists - we don't use the history lists as much) this year now that we paid to have access to a larger library system (an hour+ away).


I am not a "project" type, but there are definitely projects in the AG that I have been able to do. I pick & choose, but the extra reading books and projects make the history come alive for my kids. (I have an 8 yr old, a 6 yr old, an almost 4 yr old, a 2 yr old, and a 2 month old. We are doing SOTW 2 this year.)


However, I would evaluate if your kids like to color, if you need even *more* books since you are using SOTW as a filler and you are mostly doing religious book reading for your main spine. You may not use what the AG has to offer this year. It is always something you can add in another year if you find your needs change.

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I recently bought the AG to go with Volume 1, as well as the audio. I like it and have considered slowing the pace of our studies so we can do more of it. We are using Sonlight and it has you doing a new SOTW chapter each day! Not much time to squeeze in projects, extra reading, etc., at that rate. So maybe we will stretch it out so we can do a few more. So far, I have had my dd13 do the map work, I ask all 3 some of the review questions or for a narration. We've used a few of the coloring pages. Projects we have done (the oldest does not seem interested in these): Shang dynasty bowl, Chinese pictograms, and today I made a Moses basket. I did it because dd4 simply wanted to play with it ready-made! She made a little paper Moses and carted him around "the Nile". I would love to try out the resources and do more of the projects. I got the audio featuring Barbara Alan Johnson, which we like. I found it on Amazon. I got the AG on sale from Rainbow Resources because it was dented.



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