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What is the best way to get rid of mice?

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Getting it spayed, makes it not be a mouser? I really didn't know that. You can come look at my fat cat..... Maybe that's why I've never seen a bird or mouse.... :-) She doesn't catch them.... UGH! But, maybe the mice around here are "scaredy mice"...



No - LOL - I mean, if I'd known she was a mouser when I got her, I would have let her have kittens! Apparently, mousers are genetic (or so I've been told - maybe that's an old wives' tale).


I just hope she lives long enough for me to get my dream farm...




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My advice remains the same and I am 2 down this past month. As it gets cooler they naturally try to find warm places for winter. Not welcome in my house at all. Do not mess around, buy the snap traps for a quick and dirty solution. The sticky ones are grotesque and you have to scrape the poor thing off to release it. No way, snap and be done with it. Put down at least 5 traps along the baseboards and use the most minimal amout of peanut butter applying with a toothpick. My old advice stays the same from a prior post which I cut and pasted for your perusal.



Dear lady, You must put the peanut butter on the underside of the snap trap-lightly as well ,the trap will snap -o- rama and the rodent deceased immediately. I devised more methods for rodent trapping than Carters' has pills ,our home was built in 1865 and prior to our residence/law firm taking over the building it was empty for several months...you get the picture. Underside and very little peanut butter so it has to nibble far inside the mechanism and success will be yours. I hate mice. Use more than one trap and line those along the baseboard/wall with the pb bait facing outward. Good luck with your mouse extermination!!!If you need info on drowning the little buggers I have that down to a science as well. It is likely not healthy this interest of mine but if it is useful to anyone here oh well. Best wishes and be stingy with the pb you will emerge victorious! elizabeth

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http://www.victorpest.com/store/rodent-control/b130-2 My preferred traps simply press to open , bait the underside of snap and place wide open end at baseboard and in front of areas where they are suspected. Nothing is better than that SNAP !! These work and are reusable. to release the dead rodent simply squeeze the lever and release corpse inot garbage rebait and you are good to go. I know I enjoy this far too much...
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Most definitely cats. We have lived in the country now for 11 years and the mice have been terrible. I hate, hate, hate them too. Well, a few years ago a friend gave us a couple cats and I've not seen a mouse for about 3 years. It's like heaven now. And we keep the cats out of doors all the time.

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Ditto the snap-traps and the cat.


We got a cat from a rescue center. Though he had been found outside while a kitten, he had spent his time indoors since then with his foster mom. She was nervous about the fact that we would have him both outdoors and in. There was nothing to be nervous about. This cat LOVES the outdoors and has killed all sorts of critters around our home. We have not had mice problems since having him. Our cat is a great one...he comes in to love on us and sleep, then goes out to hunt. Perfect combo.

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