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Thoughts on the new product William Shakespeare by Open Texture?

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I'm thinking about purchasing the new William Shakespeare product at Open Texture: http://www.opentexture.com/products/littlebird/shakespeare.aspx


We haven't done much work on Shakespeare yet, and this new program looks like a great introduction to William Shakespeare. So I'm reading the website which says the program retells 20 of Shakespeare's plays over 5 hours on 4 cds. Okay, the accountant in my says, "Wait! That's only 15 minutes a play." I know they are adaptations, but even the Jim Weiss cd I have for Romeo & Juliet is 1 hour long.


So, what do you think? Is 15 minutes per play adequate?


Thanks for your help. I appreciate any feedback to help me think this through before I purchase the program.

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saw they were E. Nesbit's retelling which I have in book form, and it's just too simple for my dc's ages. If I had younger dc, I might have considered it.


Lamb's version of Shakespeare is more sophisticated and more suited to older elementary dc imho. Lamb's version is available on tape but unfortunately not on cd or from audible(my preferred form).


I highly recommend Animated Tales on tape/dvd if you can get them at your library for a first exposure to Shakespeare.

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I just got them about a week ago and love them. The reader is excellent. We will play them in the car, mostly for the benefit of my youngest, but I'm sure my older two will get something out of them. Of course they will be reading complete texts in addition and my youngest will read a few picture book re-tellings as well. I see it as an unnecessary extra, but one we will enjoy.

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which equals to usually one book/download per month. There's virtually no difference in a cd vs audible download it's just the format (cd vs. ipod/computer mp3) that's different. The Audible sound is the same, but it's not in easily seen chapters like cd's are formatted.


I download A History of US, Hakim; Hurlburt's Bible, etc. for my dc to listen for school and pleasure. I love Audible!

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Hmmm...I do have a little extra money because of the great sales I found this spring. I do forget about including my youngest with what his older brothers are doing; he tends to get lost in the mix a lot. With such a short adaptation, does the plot stay intact?


Yes. Let's take Hamlet for example since that's the one I listened to last and therefore can remember best. ;)


The king is dead and Hamlet comes home for his father's funeral. A month later his mother and uncle get married and he is angry and refuses to take off his mourning clothes. Hamlet is suspicious of the circumstances surrounding his father's death. Hamlet's friend Horatio visits him and tells him he saw his father's ghost on the castle battlements. A surprised Hamlet goes to the battlements that night and sees the ghost. His father's spirit tells him his suspicions are correct and that Hamlet should avenge him, but he is not to harm his mother. Hamlet begins to act mad, many suspecting it was brought on by his love for Ophelia. Hamlet begins to doubt whether or not the ghost spoke truly and he struggles with the idea of committing murder. A troupe of actors visit the court and Hamlet orders them to perform a certain play in front of the king and queen. The play is about a man who was murdered in his garden by a relative and then that relative married the dead man's wife. King Claudius was distressed and staggers from the room. The queen goes to her chamber and by the request of the king, sends for Hamlet and plans to scold him. Meanwhile, the king asks Polonius to spy on them from behind a curtain. Hamlet speaks to his mother in a way that frightens her and she cries out. Polonius makes a noise behind the curtain and Hamlet, thinking it is the king, stabs Polonius through the curtain. The king sent Hamlet away to England, supposedly for his safety, but really it is to have the English kill him. The court guards accompany Hamlet with a letter for the English court requiring Hamlet's death. He switches the letters and the guards are killed instead. Hamlet escapes. Meanwhile, when Ophelia learns her father is dead, she goes mad and eventually drowns. Hamlet comes home on the day of her funeral. Ophelia's brother Laertes is grief stricken and wants revenge. Hamlet begs his forgiveness. Claudius convinces Laertes to kill Hamlet. Laertes and Hamlet have a supposedly friendly fencing match. Instead of a blunt sword Laertes uses a sharp one with the point dipped in poison. Claudius has a cup of poisoned wine as well in case Hamlet gets thirsty. Hamlet soon sees that Laertes is fighting seriously and begins to defend himself. Laertes knicks Hamlet. During a struggle they drop their swords and each picks up the other's sword. Hamlet stabs Laertes and he falls dead. Then the queen drinks from the poisoned wine, cries out to Hamlet, and dies. At last, with everyone he loves dead, Hamlet finds the courage to do the ghost's bidding and kills Claudius. Then Hamlet dies from the knick he received from the poised sword.


Here is the plot overview from SparkNotes. As you can see major points are covered.



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The Animated Tales is available from Netflix.


Speaking of Netflix, we watched Much Adou About Nothing (Emma Thompson) and A Midsummer Nights Dream (Michelle Pheiffer) over the last 2 weekends. I had my kiddos cover their eyes for a few of the "adult" moments. All in all, my kids are loving Shakespeare. I love that these modern twists on classics are making Shakespeare accessible to this non-literary mom and kiddos.


Go Netflix!


And I just put Animated Tales in my queue. Thanks for the tip!

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Speaking of Netflix, we watched Much Adou About Nothing (Emma Thompson) and A Midsummer Nights Dream (Michelle Pheiffer) over the last 2 weekends. I had my kiddos cover their eyes for a few of the "adult" moments. All in all, my kids are loving Shakespeare. I love that these modern twists on classics are making Shakespeare accessible to this non-literary mom and kiddos.


We love these too, although I will never understand why they chose Keanu Reeves as Don Juan. :thumbdown:

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Maybe it's time to look into Netflix; our library system doesn't seem to carry many of the DVD related items I've been looking for lately.


Yes, Beth, its the best deal in cyber-space, imho! I'm trying to break the record for checking out the most in a given month (to get my price/rental as low as possible). I'm just a geek that way :). (and I'm just kidding -- but I do love a deal!)

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A quick comment on Netflix...they have many wonderful plays available through the BBC collection (titled for ex. Shakespeare Tragedies: Hamlet). I received several that wouldn't play, requested new copies again and again, and had a lot of disappointment. I finally had to call and complain because so many of the Shakespeare selections were unplayable.


Just a heads up. :001_smile:

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A quick comment on Netflix...they have many wonderful plays available through the BBC collection (titled for ex. Shakespeare Tragedies: Hamlet). I received several that wouldn't play, requested new copies again and again, and had a lot of disappointment. I finally had to call and complain because so many of the Shakespeare selections were unplayable.


Just a heads up. :001_smile:




Maybe they've straightened up since you called them. :D


That drives me crazy to get a movie that won't play. :auto:;)

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