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Question about BJU middle school science progression

Rhonda in TX

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DS (7th) started the year with Apologia General Science, but it wasn't a good fit. We have BJU Science 6 already, so I decided to try it with him. He loves it and it seems to really click with him. So, now I'm trying to decide how to go forward.


I will probably go forward with BJU Science 6 until Christmas, but am debating on what to do then.


Continue with Science 6, then do Life Science in 8th grade.

Continue with Science 6, then Earth and Space in 8th grade. (I think he would love Earth and Space, and don't want to miss it, but would he be ready for it?)

Switch to Life Science in January, do half a year, then do Earth and Space in 8th.


Any other options? Thoughts? BJU DVDs are not an option right now, but may be for next year.

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I have the 8th grade Earth and Space, although I haven't started using it yet. I would say the that it is on the same level as the 7th grade book. The subject matter is non-dependent. I would let him choose based on interest.


We're doing Life Science this year in 7th and I'm debating skipping Earth to go on to Physical in 8th. I hate to miss earth science completely though.


I don't think it matters which one you choose. You could try your "B" option and let him get in a semester of Life Science. You could pick and choose some of the chapters. Some have definitely been more valuable than others and a few were covered pretty well in the 6th grade materials.

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We are doing RS4K in co-op and my oldest does not like it. We will be doing Space and EArth with the older girls starting in January. We gave my 6th grader the option of joining us. My feeling was that she could easily keep up with the reading. My only concern was with any math that may crop up, but I figured we could just help her with it.


I agree - go with interest. We may not even do the 2d book with the Space and EArth. The older girls in co-op want to do astronomy. And, living in OK, we figured we would be hitting weather section in the spring, just when things get interesting around here.


I found the Life Science kits for very cheap at Amazon. I may get it anyway just to have around. My girls are interested in both biology and astronomy. And the new editions are really beautiful.

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I think that moving to Life Science in January would be a good idea, choosing the chapters that you think are most important. All of it will be covered again in more detail in Biology.


I think that the Earth and Space book really steps it up. If you are able to get the DVDs, it will enhace your son's understanding. Mrs. Vick is a great teacher, and an assistant demonstrates many of the labs.


My son enjoyed the Space semester more than the Earth semester. We have DVDs for all of the BJU sciences from 7th-11th grades (we had their HomeSat and recorded them). The BJU science classes have been great for my sons, but I haven't tried to do them without the DVDs.



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