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Help please! Ear ache!!

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I posted a bit about a week ago regarding my middle ear infection.


I had a head cold about 2-3 weeks ago... a 24 hours one... very mild.


Then, 11 days ago my left ear began to hurt. I put garlic oil in it and went to bed. Next day it seemed okay, but hard to hear...


Next day, half way through the day, the pain came back, so I used more garlic oil and went to bed. Next day pain got much worse and I got dizzy and nauseaus. So, off to the Dr. I went and he said it was a middle ear infection and that garlic oil does not work because it is behind the ear drum.


I have taken my antibiotics without missing doses. It'll be a week tomorrow that I started. My ear hurts!! I want to put garlic oil in it again, but that seems to stop me from hearing for a day... and I already feel like I am living in a HUGE mental fog.


Any ideas????



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I would call your Dr. and tell him that this antibiotic is not working. He may need to put you on another one because you should not still be having pain after taking the medicine for so long. :grouphug:


:iagree: with this. Also I use a rice sock for my girls to relieve the pain. Just take a sock fill it with uncooked rice. Warm in the microwave and lay it in the ear. Always works for them!

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I agree you need to call your Dr. and tell him you are still in pain. Your antibiotic obviously didn't work and you probably need another one.


I had a terrible ear infection a couple of years ago. My eardrum actually burst. It was horrible. You should also ask for a prescription for numbing drops to help with the pain.

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