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Rats. Flu.

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We're one of those high risk families. One child has a neuromuscular metabolic condition and is immune compromised. The other has the same condition (though not presenting symptom wise) and has asthma. Every year per our geneticist we isolate the kids during flu season and hubby (main vector of infection as he works) gets the flu shot. I get the vax too. Except our area hasn't had any shots available.


And...my husband appears to possibly be coming down with the flu this evening. :( Well, he has a sore throat and aching/fatigue. Mild cough though perhaps related to the throat. I don't think he has a fever though-I can't find our thermometer-so maybe not the flu? Does it hit really dramatically with fever, chills, etc.


Anything I can do to try to keep the rest of us healthy?


We do have a standing script for Tamiflu for the kids. Would you do it if they start to seem sick?


I'd love any prayers that we have a mild trip through this and/or the kids and I aren't infected at all.

Edited by sbgrace
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Cannot advise on Tamiflu. Suggest you contact your doctor first thing tomorrow for advise on whether to start the scrip.


Just wanted to let you know that not all cases of A/H1N1 appear with fever - many cases have no fever at all or the fever comes later or it yo-yo's: comes & goes.


For the rest of the family - if it were me, I'd be pushing fluids, esp hot fluids, rinsing/gargling with salt water twice daily, using neti pot twice daily, taking Vit C + multivitamine + vit D. We also take ColdFX (not sure if you have that in the US?). Washing hands lots.


best wishes

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We're one of those high risk families. One child has a neuromuscular metabolic condition and is immune compromised. The other has the same condition (though not presenting symptom wise) and has asthma. Every year per our geneticist we isolate the kids during flu season and hubby (main vector of infection as he works) gets the flu shot. I get the vax too. Except our area hasn't had any shots available.


And...my husband appears to possibly be coming down with the flu this evening. :( Well, he has a sore throat and aching/fatigue. Mild cough though perhaps related to the throat. I don't think he has a fever though-I can't find our thermometer-so maybe not the flu? Does it hit really dramatically with fever, chills, etc.


Anything I can do to try to keep the rest of us healthy?


We do have a standing script for Tamiflu for the kids. Would you do it if they start to seem sick?


I'd love any prayers that we have a mild trip through this and/or the kids and I aren't infected at all.



To answer your question about what you can do to keep the rest of your family healthy: DS9 who has asthma woke up this morning 'looking' and 'sounding' sick - congestion, post-nasal drip, achy, low-grade fever, and he stayed in bed all day -- he has NEVER done that -- We have been doing Vit. D3, C, Oscillococcinum (began today), green tea, gargling with salt water -- tons of hand washing and keeping DS isolated.....


he said he feels much better tonight - his temp is normal, his nose is not stuffy...the girls say they feel fine and they sound fine and they look fine.


Take common sense precautions...sorry I can't offer more than that, but that is what we are doing, and dh and I are praying for Divine protection.

FWIW, my 6 year old grand-daughter tested positive for H1N1 3 weeks ago -- she woke with a raging fever and vomiting. DD and SIL rushed her to the ER - she was given Tamiflu and they followed up with their pediatrician the next day -- she was back to normal in 4 days and the others in their house did not get sick -- DD and SIL are fine and granddaughter 3 years old is fine.


Hang in there -- Get Plenty of REST!

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