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Physics....to take or not to take???

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My ds is still finishing up Apologia Chemistry that he started last year and he's now in 11th grade. He wants to take Advanced Biology next year but he will have finished Chemistry in January and he could work his way through Apologia Physics after that but he doesn't really want to. I like the idea of learning physics as it seems to be good for learning how to solve problems in general, isn't it? Is it a good preparation for life? Will it improve his thinking skills? Do those of you who have taken physics feel that you have benefited from it even if you may have not gone into a science related field?

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If it's a choice between math or physics, I would recommend more math. I didn't take physics in high school and ended up in physics-related research and program management. I had a very solid math background though. And actually took "Physics for Liberal Arts" before I changed to a technical major, and I breezed through it.


So no, I personally don't think physics is a must for high school if you have the math. It's fun though, and I hope to fit it in for my kids. I'd never assume that your kids won't go into a technical field. I teach at a local community college and our classes are full of people 20-40 who are trying to upgrade their job skills and/or go into medical/technical fields to improve their job prospects. Most had no idea they'd be doing this.

Edited by GVA
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We did Apologia Physics with my son in 12th grade.....it wasn't easy. I read a review that "physics is not for the faint of heart," I agree with that! I have seen posts about doing conceptual physics, I don't know if Apologia falls in that category, but that is the direction I will do with dd if she wants to take it.

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I think it's worthwhile to study physics in high school. If your ds is math/science oriented, it will smooth the way in college, where he'll likely need to take physics again. And if he's not math/science oriented or goes into a field that doesn't require physics, then he'll at least have some knowledge of the subject. This was the case with me--I went into computer science, which was about the ONLY science at my university that didn't require me to take physics. So the only physics I ever had was from my high school days, and I'm glad to have at least a rudimentary understanding of the concepts--they do pop in life, in newspaper and magazine articles and science programs, in homeschooling one's kids...:001_smile:


One other thing to think about is what colleges your ds is interested in attending. Many colleges expect to see the 3 basic sciences (biology, chemistry and physics) on the transcript.


My ds did Apologia Physics in a semester. It was a lot of work to do a module a week, and we often skipped the experiments. If I had it to do over, I probably wouldn't have done the module tests, but rather the quarterly tests. My ds always felt crunched trying to do the whole module in 3 days, leaving one day for the practice problems and Friday for the test, but it worked out okay. What pace is your ds taking for Apologia Chemistry? You could try a module a week pace with that to see how it would work. Otherwise you should plan on about the same pace and the same overall length of time for Physics as the Chemistry is taking. Also, make sure your ds has had some exposure to trig--he'll need it for physics (although I can't remember if it was the basic physics or the adv that used trig...)

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you have a child that is really not able to do the math. I would do both math, as far as possible and physics. I agree with the other posters who have said it is smart to NOT rule out the possibility of a tech field for your child. Plus, I guess I'm kind of old school where I think it is good for a student to have Bio, Chem and Physics if they are able in high school.


We did Apologia physics in 11th grade and the advanced chem course in 12th.


You need to have Al II for Physics and a little trig, but it is basic triangle trig that you can get from the text itself or on line if necessary.


I think there is life value in Physics. Just understanding the basics of physics...like projectile motion or acceleration due to gravity and so on. It helps to understand how the world around you works.


That's my two cents worth.

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He does not enjoy science although he is very smart. He has no trouble with higher level math and is really enjoying Calculus. He plans to go to college and major in English/Writing and Theology and felt that he would rather take courses that would help in his major. We, his parents, feel that it would help him to take physics at the cc this coming spring and hopefully it would transfer. Then he would not have to take it his freshman year. That would only work if we are sure it will transfer. But, all that to say, this is what my ds decided and we are letting him make that choice. He has already been accepted to one college and is a NMSC semi-finalist. If he happens to take physics for the first time in college, he will rise to the challenge. We can't cover all the bases no matter how well we plan:)

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FWIW, IMO, please, please, please have your dc take physics. I attended a small ps in the 70's. I went into the principals office to register for classes my jr year. When I walked in the principal handed me a completed schedule. I looked at it and told hem that I had no desire to take chemistry or physics because I planned to major in accounting. He smiled an said "to bad". He refused to change my schedule. (he taught chemistry). I was so angry.

My sophomore year of college I changed my major to a science related field. I did great in both chemistry and physics and loved it. I owe it to Mr Moudy.

I know this is just one story, but I will always be thankful for his influence in my life. Everybody needs a Mr Moudy.

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ask around within my local homeschool group for an Apologia textbook to review before I decide. I do think my ds will benefit a lot from it because he is interested in so many things. Right now he writes songs and poems, enjoys Spanish and Greek, and loves to read. One of his favorite tv shows is the Mythbusters.

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