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History ?: One neighbor turning 90 and another who was with the Marines at Iwo Jima


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I would ask them if they would mind if your kids interview them. Most older folks would have no problem sitting with kids and talking about the old days.


Then have your kids spend a week making an interview notebook with questions (make sure you leave space for answers). When they go for the interview time they can write down answers. Also leave space for questions that they may think of while they are listening and anything the person may say that is off topic but relevant to history (I can guarantee tangants will happen lol). If you know the person well you could ask for photo's of when they were younger and scan them, or take a picture of a picture so that your children will have them for their report.


Sample of a lesson plan I found online





My 101 year old great grandma died this past summer and I remember doing interviews with her when I was young. I even made hardcover books out of them. I got photo's from her and used them to illustrate (I am not an artist) the book. If she did not have photo's I found some stuff online to use. These books (also have one from both grandmother's that I made) are really special to me and my children today.


I think making something like that for your neighbor (maybe have two copies made, so you have one) would be very sweet and special to them. Plus this would be an incredible learning experience for your children.


Links for Make your own books on the computer or blank books that your kids can make on their own (just a quick look... I am sure there is more out there).







Edited by bbsweetpea
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We did something similar a few years ago. We had the kids interview their relatives for their experiences growing up through the depression and through WWII. We found that writing answers took too long so we ended up recording it. Unfortunately, Uncle Ted, who fought in the South Pacific and was in the first landing force in Japan, didn't live long enough for us to interview him. However, he did leave us his photos from his experience in the South Pacific.


So, I would recommend either making a video or audio recording and then transcribing it later.

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