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Too late for the vax. My dc in college has N1H1 flu. Tamiflu & what else?

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Oscillococcinum...has worked like a charm for me. I started with a fever and cough on Saturday night. Started taking the Oscillo on Sunday morning and felt better the next day. Not 100%, but tons better than my dh did who did NOT take the Oscillo and eventually developed pneumonia :( I would say don't take the Tamiflu, instead take the Oscillo, but I'm not a dr. :D Praying he feels better soon.

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Good question. So sorry to hear ds is sick!


Just got told by our specialist (we have a rare liver disease) that even though we "may" have had the H1N1 last Spring (false/positive test)... we still need the shot.


It sounds like the current novel virus for fall is ebbing down. He told us it is perfect timing to get a shot now. To build immunity for the next "wave". He said the H1N1 will peak again after Dec/Jan (2nd round tracked by the CDC). And there may be a 3rd peak in the Spring? Keep in mind it takes like 1-2 years for a novel virus to affect the population. The danger is if it mutates. That is why the shot is important to high risk populations like for my son and I. HTH.

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Good question. So sorry to hear ds is sick!


Just got told by our specialist (we have a rare liver disease) that even though we "may" have had the H1N1 last Spring (false/positive test)... we still need the shot.


It sounds like the current novel virus for fall is ebbing down. He told us it is perfect timing to get a shot now. To build immunity for the next "wave". He said the H1N1 will peak again after Dec/Jan (2nd round tracked by the CDC). And there may be a 3rd peak in the Spring? Keep in mind it takes like 1-2 years for a novel virus to affect the population. The danger is if it mutates. That is why the shot is important to high risk populations like for my son and I. HTH.


I'm confused now. Does that mean having the H1N1 virus does not build immunity in our systems? If not, how does the shot cause the body to build immunity? And if it comes back as mutated, won't it be a different strain than the shot?

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The tamiflu should help tremendously in a day or two. I would ask the pharmacist before mixing anything else with it though even homeopathic things can interact with things (don't ask me how I know, let's just say it wasn't good lol).


Rest, fluids, and lots a good movies to watch and he should be better soon. Remind him to keep an eye out for new symptoms and go back to the doc if need be.


:grouphug: It must be hard having him away when he is sick.

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If it helps any, my 11 yo has been on Tamiflu for her second day now and she has no side effects at all.


You can still add the Osci... stuff in, since it is homeopathic. It sure won't hurt.


I hope he feels better soon!


Thanks. :) I am not worried about Tamiflu side effects right now.

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The tamiflu should help tremendously in a day or two. I would ask the pharmacist before mixing anything else with it though even homeopathic things can interact with things (don't ask me how I know, let's just say it wasn't good lol).


Rest, fluids, and lots a good movies to watch and he should be better soon. Remind him to keep an eye out for new symptoms and go back to the doc if need be.


:grouphug: It must be hard having him away when he is sick.



Thank you. I told him not to hestitate going to the health center. Yes, Iit is very hard not to have all of my ducklings at home at times.

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Along with the tamiflu, we utilized tylenol/advil for the fever/aches&pains(mainly for ds who had it the worst). LOTS of fluids and LOTS of sleep. We are now onto day 3 and based on how much they are bickering I would say they are on the mend.



LOL Thanks! Bickering is a good sign, right? :D

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I'm confused now. Does that mean having the H1N1 virus does not build immunity in our systems? If not, how does the shot cause the body to build immunity? And if it comes back as mutated, won't it be a different strain than the shot?


Dunno... we were very sick with strep, fever, fatigue and cough/chest congestion. It hurt to breathe and we thought I had bronchitis at one point. Very ill for 4-6 weeks. My test came back negative for H1N1 and strep. The doc didn't know what it was. So, he is being cautious and requiring my son and I to have the H1N1 shot. Makes sense for us and our compromised immune system. Who knows what I had. Sure felt like the H1N1. Ugh.

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Go to Nature's Sunshine (google for exact URL) and get a couple of bottles of "Immune Stimulator". We are taking it regularly and have not been sick at all this year. It will help him recover as well as toughen up his immune system. He should also try to minimize sugar consumption as it lowers the immune response - but try telling that to a young guy.

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Dunno... we were very sick with strep, fever, fatigue and cough/chest congestion. It hurt to breathe and we thought I had bronchitis at one point. Very ill for 4-6 weeks. My test came back negative for H1N1 and strep. The doc didn't know what it was. So, he is being cautious and requiring my son and I to have the H1N1 shot. Makes sense for us and our compromised immune system. Who knows what I had. Sure felt like the H1N1. Ugh.


Oh,the dr isn't sure you had H1N1 so just wants to be sure. That sounds horrible though.

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I think also that if the strain mutates, you'd be more likely to have *some* protection if you had immunities to a similar virus. That's why they were not recommending that people over 50 get the H1N1 first. Folks that age had been around when a similar flu hit the US so probably have some immunities to this one. Otherwise, folks that age are typically recommended to get flu shots first (before say, young adults)

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Quick! Hydrogen peroxide or apple cider vinegar in the ears! About 15 minutes about 3 times per day.


Also, Oscillococcinum 3 times per day, as someone already mentioned.


If there are throat problems, congestion, etc., then you might also add in neti pot saline rinses and a local, raw honey (spoonful 3 times per day).

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The health center went over some of that. He's with his sick fraternity brothers, 'self-isolating'. They are good guys and will keep an eye on each other.


But can they make chicken soup and bone broth like mom? That's the question! :D


Nope, he and the frat boys will probably make do with Ramen :lol:


I'd mostly suggest stuff that boosts the immune system so he can fight it off. Vit D + C, tea with honey, raw garlic, and lots of rest are the main thi ngs I can think of.




There's an interesting news article that gives 10 'super foods' to eat to kick a cold/flu.

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My dd who turns 8 this month was just swabbed in the doctor's office and has 'the flu' (H1N1, we all believe). She has had 105 temp that is only brought down to 102 with alternating Tylenol and Advil (over the past 24 hours). She was just prescribed Tamiflu and I hope it works! She feels like she can't take a full breath and the doctor said it was probably some pleursy that comes with this flu?? Her lungs were clear at the doctor's office. She had pneumonia last February, so I am praying and hoping this does not go into her lungs.


I had tried Oscillo on both my dc (my son started with similar symptoms just one day ahead of her). My son rebounded nicely. He has had no fever over the past 30 hours, but not so with my dd (even though I started her with the Oscillo even earlier than with him). So this flu is not one size fits all, that is for sure!



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