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Knee Joint Pain

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My dd has been having very achy knees for the last week. She says it is both knees, and it comes and goes. Sometimes it is when weight is on it, sometimes not. Could this just be growing pains? She still is growing because we realized this week that she is now taller than me.

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What kind of pain is it? Sudden and sharp, throbbing, achey...? I have knee pain and have since shortly after I went through puberty, and for me, it's 95% hormonal. Doesn't make much sense, but that's the only factor I've been able to correlate over the years. Soo... could it be the hormones of puberty?

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It could be connective tissue inflammation. I had that when I was a kid - technically still do, but apparently it calms down when puberty and growth are finished, but hormonal changes later in life can cause flare-ups. In my case, my two "trouble areas" were my ribs and my knees (particularly my right knee which I had previously injured - minor injury, but apparently enough to make it more susceptible). My mom took me to the doctor for it when I was in high school and I thought I was having a heart attack. The connective tissue in my rib cage had flared up so suddenly and the pain was so intense that I couldn't breathe deeply. A few months later, I collapsed on the track in gym class while running because of intense pain in my right knee. Both times, the doctors told me it was severe connective-tissue inflammation and that it would clear up when I finished growing and going through puberty. I was given the option of having tissue removed from my knees to lessen the pain, but I opted to just inform my gym teacher and dance instructor of the issue and learn to live with it. Rest, an anti-inflammatory, and moist heat were the most helpful. My doctor also gave me a support for my knee. Then it was Rx only, but I have seen them in OTC in pharmacies recently.


My son now complains of knee pain also, but it does not seem quite as intense. Our doctor just declared growing pains with him (no sonograms or other tests like I had had). He is also only 8, whereas I was about 13 when my knee pain started. Some rest and an anti-inflammatory do wonders for him.


The pain scared the dickens out of me when I was a kid. Going to the doctor gave me great peace of mind. I would take your dd to the doctor even if it was just to make her feel better that something wasn't severely wrong since it is likely just growing pains.

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Is she very active? The symptoms sound familiar--I was diagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter's disease when I was about this age.


She doesn't play any sports or anything like that. In fact, I don't feel she is active enough. Reading and writing are her favorite hobbies.


Thanks for the input. The pain is achy. I think it probably is a growing, puberty thing, but we'll be watching it.

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