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Talk to me about mood disorders in children...

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Our pediatrician referred us to a child psychiatrist today. He said previously that son's adhd could be the main presenting challenge, with other branches or that there could be a different root challenge and adhd is a branch. He is leaning toward this latter statement right now.


I called for a pre-interview and gave them the basics: son has dyslexia, in special ed since 2nd grade, adhd complaints from school... basic adhd diagnosis from previous Dr. last year (6th grade). Child loves to create problems... loves to annoy others... the worse he annoys others, the happier he gets... angry outbursts (hits walls... throws things... hurts siblings from time to time)... cannot follow instructions... even 1 thing at a time (like, line up the shoes)... does not wipe himself and soils underwear... very far below grade level... poor writing (penmanship)... etc.


So, I was told quite clearly by one of the intake professionals (don't remember his title, but he works closely with the psychiatrist in the eval. process) that he believe son has a mood disorder with adhd branching from that.


Are there many types? What does that mean for this child's lifetime?? Anyone else been given this "label" (for lack of better word)? I know the eval. isn't finished yet... but I feel so unsettled and would enjoy hearing from others...


I have known deep inside that this boy isn't just going to outgrow anything and it is MUCH worse this year, as he is 12 and now has the attitude of "I can't stand you" and "You can't make me" and is very mouthy...


He is currently not medicated... but I suspect some sort of medication will be recommended. For those of you that DO medicate... how is it going? Will you child be medicated for life?? For those of you who choose not to... do you go the supplement route with lots of challenging dietary plans?? (I had an aspergers son who went GFCF... I know that this son cannot have dyes or sodas... )


Thanks, everyone...

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My sister has bipolar disorder (childhood onset) and helped make my childhood a living hell.


Good for you for being proactive in getting the right diagnosis and treatment. Please don't be afraid of medication. If he's sick, it only makes sense to give him the appropriate medication. My older sister wasn't diagnosed or prescribed medication until she was in her 20s. Her life could have been *so much better* had she receive an appropriate diagnosis and treatment while she was still young. Now, as a result of medication and therapy she is doing very, very well.

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YIKES!!! I just looked up "mood disorders". I do not feel ready for this. Someone break me in gently... someone tell me it's going to be okay... whoa!!!! The only thing I can think is that we are not Finished with the evaluations at this time... so... maybe it's not a mood disorder... maybe it is... deep breath... where, oh where is the deep breath face??

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Yes there are other mood disorders. Depression is a mood disorder. If you go the medicine route, and that may be your best option at this time, be sure to use a pediatric psychiatrist. Kids react to meds much different than adults. And you son is entering those dreaded hormonal years, when a med that works this month might not work next month.

Be agressive with treatment, medical and therapy, because the older he gets the less likely he'll be compliant with either, unless he sees the benefits now.

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YIKES!!! I just looked up "mood disorders". I do not feel ready for this. Someone break me in gently... someone tell me it's going to be okay... whoa!!!! The only thing I can think is that we are not Finished with the evaluations at this time... so... maybe it's not a mood disorder... maybe it is... deep breath... where, oh where is the deep breath face??


Sorry you saw that, I wasn't going to tell you. He's still the same boy you know. You do have a chance of helping him.

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Thanks... we are using a pediatric psychiatrist with 3 years of specific pediatric training. Phew. That part's covered... now to begin to understand how an adhd boy is suddenly in this category... hmmm... I HAVE seen it get much worse this past year...

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YIKES!!! I just looked up "mood disorders". I do not feel ready for this. Someone break me in gently... someone tell me it's going to be okay... whoa!!!! The only thing I can think is that we are not Finished with the evaluations at this time... so... maybe it's not a mood disorder... maybe it is... deep breath... where, oh where is the deep breath face??


Mood disorders covers a wide range of dignosises; not limited to depression.


It might help to remind yourself that mood (or personality) disorders often have a basis in *biology* and *physiology*. There might well be something wrong with the way his body/brain functions. That being the case, you need meds to level the playing field, to fix his body, to set him up for success.


Intake will be a complete medical, family and emotional history. It may include some testing. You will want to prepare your son because at his age, they'll need input from both of you. It may be draining and take a long time, especially by focused challenged 12 year old boy standards.


You are seeking a medical and mental health professional and specialist. Your son has behaviors that indicate he needs more help than you can give him. A sign of a good mom is not being able to avoid such professionals but knowing when and how to utilize them if you have a child that needs additional services.


The Psychologist will likely be a small part of the ongoing picture. He or she will offer the clinical diagnosis and prescribe. They will spend little (10 minutes is common) time on subsequent visits. The ongoing mental health support for you and your son will need to be addressed by another professional where you will get a 50 minute hour. ;)


If you do get a diagnosis, I encourage you to see if help, support and companionship is available with other parents sharing a similar parenting story.


Please, look at this as your next and needed step in helping him and your family, not as a negative.

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I realize this is scary, but try not to let fear rule you. Joanne has excellent advice. You'll be interacting (most likely) with two professionals: a counselor or psychologist (for behavioral issues) and a psychiatrist (for medication and medical issues).


As OHGrandma pointed out, in the psychiatric realm, kids are *not* little adults - they do not respond to therapy or medications in the same manner and must be treated differently, whether it is bipolar (there isn't a hyphen on it - it simply means two poles, whether one of those poles is "normal" and the other is "up" or "down" or "whatever" or any combination), depression, or one of the myriad other things that docs have run across over the years - the main thing to remember is that there IS hope.


He IS still your child. He IS still in there, underneath the behaviors you are seeing. And despite his current difficulties, rest assured that, when you see that side of him, you're "seeing the illness talking". And when you are able to treat the illness, the person inside is able to emerge.


I don't do anything in the psychological side of the house like Joanne does, but I do do medications research. If you have any questions when you get to that point in your journey, feel free to PM me.




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