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Question about car accident

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My 16 yo was backing out of a space and a driver going the wrong way on a one-way lane drove up. She scratched the car but some other drivers came up and told the lady it was her fault since she was going the wrong way. The lady didn't exchange info with my daughter, as soon as she got my phone number from her she drove quickly away. When my daughter called home, I had her go back to the lot, take pictures of the car if she could find it, take pictures of the one way marking on the lane, and also get the license plate number. The woman was not a native born American but probably not illegal. However, I am wondering if she doesn't have insurance (illegal here) or if she doesn't have a license. Apparently our car doesn't have any damage and hers does have a small scratch. Should I call my insurance as soon as my daughter gets home? Should I wait to see if the lady calls us? It wasn't a reportable accident since it was on private property and less than 1000 dollars damage.

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If it was in a parking lot, in Va, it's no fault (I believe). Call your ins. company and ask them to be sure, but I believe parking lots are generally private property making any damage the property owners' problem and most property owners say park at your own risk.


Ime, there's nothing that can be done, either way, for reimbursment.

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Don't call your insurance agent unless you make a claim. I hit an illegal alien and did a lot of damage to their car. They parked right behind my van while I was picking up some kids for church. He was completely outside my mirrors or vision. He wanted a lot of cash. I refused and called my insurance agent asking what to do.


He never made a claim. I found out later he was illegal. But when I changed insurance the agent told my new agent all about how I did have an accident in the last year, even though it wasn't on my record.

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As a former insurance agent I would call. This lady can sue. And people will sue over ANYTHING these days. And just because it was in a private parking lot, does not make a difference.


Insurance "law" wise. Your daughter is at fault. She was backing out and should have been looking both ways. But the insurance companies would argue that the other lady was going the wrong way, therefore making it a 50/50.(more then likely)


The last thing you need is this lady suing for "whiplash". And even if she has no insurance, she can sue yours.


I would call them and give them a "heads up". Trust nobody.

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