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Favorite K-3 Human Body Resources


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Okay, I have to post on this because as I type my dds are playing with their new The Human Body models by SmartLab. I saw this at Costco this weekend (about $18) and instead of waiting for Christmas went ahead and gave it to dds since we're studying the human body right now. This is a good kit. There is a model of the human body where you can take out all of the squishy rubbery organs and put them back together again. There is a hand that you can pull levers on and it makes the fingers grasp. So you can pick up the lungs and liver etc from the model (which is what my 6 yo is doing right now). There is also a skull model that opens up and has a brain that you can separate into two halves. There are some activity cards and an Organ-izer to help sort organs. We've studied the human body before, but this is our first hands-on thing to play with and I think it's pretty cool.


Other favorites: The My Body book by Teacher Created Resources (patterns to make a full size paper model of your dc's body) and The Magic School Bus Human Body DVD. Let's Read and Find Out books on the human body are great too (we have a few but usually can find what we don't have at the library). Have fun!

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I used this book to teach anatomy in our co-op for Pre K-3rd grade and it was very fun, very informative and the end result was each child had a life sized model of their bodies.

I used two poster boards taped together with poster tape for each child then we outlined their bodies and cut them out. Each week we learned about a different organ, colored them and glued them on or used brads to fasten them on. This was a great multisensory project and the kids (and parents) loved them!

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We are spending a year on the Human Body right now. We are using the following items. Some of them I bought in a Kit for an incredible clearance price.


My Body book (got it off Ebay for a good price)

Human Body Flip Chart by Learning Resources (got in kit)

Skeleton Floor Puzzle Learning Resources (in kit)

Skeletons in the Closet Game (in kit)

Simply Skeletons (in kit)

Spill your Guts Game (in kit)

Stethoscope (in kit)

5 Senses Bingo (in Kit)

Soft Human Brain Mode Puzzlel (in Kit)

Soft Foam Cross Heart Model Puzzle (in Kit)

Anatomy Apron Learning Resources (in Kit)

Skeleton Bingo (in Kit)

Skeleton Stamp (in Kit)

Usborne See inside Your Body Book

Usborne flip flap body book

Janice Vancleave Play and find out about the Human Body book


I know I have some other things but that is most of what we use. We also check out movies and books from the library.

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Other favorites: The My Body book by Teacher Created Resources (patterns to make a full size paper model of your dc's body)... Let's Read and Find Out books on the human body are great too (we have a few but usually can find what we don't have at the library). Have fun!


I was going to share that these were two of our favorite resources as well! :)

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We have the My Body Book as above, I love it for the model of the body but it's fairly lacking in information and a friend who knows a lot more than I about body system pointed out some inaccuracies in it (can't remember what ones now) so I only used it for the patterns. I found the order it put things in frustrating too, but that was more about ease of building the body.

I have a bunch of DK Human body reference books which are great. I love DK books!

Head to Toe Science by Weisse has some good and simple experiments.

We got a lambs kidney and heart to have a look at.

I have a pigs knee joint in the freezer that I will get out when we get to bones soon.

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