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If you use and/or are knowledgeable about Oil of Oregano

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I have a few questions for you. :) Dh and I regularly use Oil of Oregano when we feel like we are coming down with something. Usually 2 drops in a big glass of water every couple of hours and I can feel it working. I have yet to give it to the kids because it is so potent, but I did find some capsules so that the kiddos can avoid that "burning" sensation that sometimes happens. I do not use it as a preventative, as my understanding is that it isn't safe for long-term use, but I do start using it at the first sign of feeling "off."


Are there any other known alternatives to Oil of Oregano that are safe during pregnancy? I never use Oil of Oregano when I'm pregnant but my midwife recommended it, even as early as one week post-partum to help fight of a candida issue I once faced. Now, I'm not pg but we are considering TTC another and I don't want to use it, only to find out I shouldn't have. :tongue_smilie:


As a family, we regularly take D3, vitamin C, probiotics, along with other other immune boosting food (and avoiding things in our diet, such as sugar) but am wondering if there is anything that can be helpful like Oil of Oregano? :bigear: Anybody know? Also, does anyone know why it is contra-indicated during pregnancy? Now, I'm not asking for anyone to tell me and go ahead and use it, I'm just wondering why? I know that my GP has given me the go-ahead to take certain herbs during pregnancy, even when the bottle says they are contra-indicated, because she felt that the reason in that case was that there wasn't enough data showing that it was proven safe, not that it was proven unsafe.

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I think the concern for Oil of Oregano is the same with garlic (my other favorite) in that it could possibly induce menses and so a miscarriage and/or cause contractions. Green tea should be safe. I'd also think about elderberry possibly if I were actually ill and had a reputable source.


On the Oil of Oregano. It's antibacterial as well as antifungal and all kinds of good things. Like any other antibacterial agent/antibiotic you want to use it when you need it for a duration of a least a week. It may be working the way you're doing it but I see that as similar to using an antibiotic at the first sign of an illness and then stopping when symptoms go away. I treat oil of oregano like an antibiotic because it is. But I get that what you're doing has worked!

Edited by sbgrace
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It's the first trimester to be careful with anything strong or bitter. Even vitamin c can be abortive in high doses then. Oil of oregano is safe for babies externally and very diluted in a carrier oil (1 drop in a teaspoon of oil), and I think it would be ok this way for later pregnancy.


The best immune boosters that I know of for early pregnancy are ginger and turmeric (shred for tea is good and in food). In ancient ayurveda, ginger has long been used and proven safe during early pregnancy. Echinacea (no goldenseal) and elderberry are supposedly safe as well. Colloidal silver might be good for your situation, too.

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It's the first trimester to be careful with anything strong or bitter. Even vitamin c can be abortive in high doses then. Oil of oregano is safe for babies externally and very diluted in a carrier oil (1 drop in a teaspoon of oil), and I think it would be ok this way for later pregnancy.


The best immune boosters that I know of for early pregnancy are ginger and turmeric (shred for tea is good and in food). In ancient ayurveda, ginger has long been used and proven safe during early pregnancy. Echinacea (no goldenseal) and elderberry are supposedly safe as well. Colloidal silver might be good for your situation, too.


Thanks for the tip on ginger. I only use it to cook certain meals, and as a tea when my morning sickness is out of control. I forgot about the immune boosting properties. :) I have not seen tumeric in the root form in the local stores- only in powder. I'll have to see if I can hunt some down and try it as a tea. Do you make tumeric tea by itself, or do you add tumeric to another kind of tea? I'm looking for a good flavor combo, recommendation :)

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Most things have warnings about use during pregnancy, just because there's not much data. Other than herbs that are specifically contraindicated because of their actions (on hormones, or because their use is for starting menses), those that are used in their traditional way, as food or tea, should be safe. Used in traditional ways, there are almost no side effects, as there can be in very concentrated doses.


Adding oregano to your food should be fine, as should garlic, ginger, tumeric or any other culinary herb / food.


For the kids, I make a rubbing oil with infused garlic, oregano and tea tree essential oils, and we rub it on their feet before bed. (Sometimes I add beeswax and make it a salve, just for ease of application) If they start feeling a little punk, I add a couple drops of eucalyptus oil in my hand before rubbing it in. The benefit is that it is absorbed and circulates without getting processed out by the liver, but it would also avoid the heartburn.

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Most things have warnings about use during pregnancy, just because there's not much data. Other than herbs that are specifically contraindicated because of their actions (on hormones, or because their use is for starting menses), those that are used in their traditional way, as food or tea, should be safe. Used in traditional ways, there are almost no side effects, as there can be in very concentrated doses.


Adding oregano to your food should be fine, as should garlic, ginger, tumeric or any other culinary herb / food.


For the kids, I make a rubbing oil with infused garlic, oregano and tea tree essential oils, and we rub it on their feet before bed. (Sometimes I add beeswax and make it a salve, just for ease of application) If they start feeling a little punk, I add a couple drops of eucalyptus oil in my hand before rubbing it in. The benefit is that it is absorbed and circulates without getting processed out by the liver, but it would also avoid the heartburn.


Wow, I have never thought of that! We take oil of oregano in liquacap form, even the kids, but I do worry about my cancer kid because that is one more thing for the liver to process (yes, I checked with his oncologist and she is fine with it). This method could relieve my worry! Thanks!

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