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Ok moms, is this a puberty thing?

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And can 11 yo's get hot flashes? Earlier this evening dd (11) was laying on the floor reading and sat up to ask me a question. She said "Mom, I feel hot". I looked at her and her cheeks were flushed, and she felt warm all over. I took her temp and it was 99.2. She said she felt hot earlier, but was cold. I started wondering if she was getting the flu, but 20 minutes later, she looked a little better, and didn't feel as warm, and her temp was 98.9. Two hours later, it was 98.8, and no sign of flushed cheeks. Oh, and my dc don't usually have flushed cheeks w/ a fever.


Was this a hot flash? And do I need to start worrying about her starting her period? :confused:

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When I was in high school, I got sick and missed about 7 days of school. It was very difficult to catch up in my competitive, college-bound classes. One evening I started getting waves of hot flashes... it was an anxiety attack.


Has your dd been stressed out or worried about something? That stress, on its own or coupled with a body getting ready to make the change to womanhood, could produce a hot flash, I'd think.

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I had hot flashes as a teen, and my mom always said, "It's your hormones". My dd was having night sweats earlier this year, so I took her in afraid it was diabetes or something. They did a lot of blood work, but it came back around to hormonal changes. She also flushes and feels hotter for periods of time as well.

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My 10 year old daughter routinely has these hot flashes. Her physician says it is hormones and shows up more in girls who are overweight, as my daughter is.


I've never heard that about the overweight. My dd isn't overweight, but she is high on the percentile chart for both weight and height. I wasn't overweight at all when I was in those years. Oh how I wish I could say that now, but I'm working on it.

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My 10 year old daughter routinely has these hot flashes. Her physician says it is hormones and shows up more in girls who are overweight, as my daughter is.


My dd is overweight as well, so maybe that's it. She's also really tall. At least it's not the flu! She's fine today. Thanks for the replies!

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