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American History spine w/ a Christian perspective?

Sue G in PA

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Take a look at A Child's Story of America. Biblioplan uses that as a spine as well as History of US. It was too much for us to do both and I prefer History of US, but A Child's Story of America is Christian (Christian Liberty Press) and inexpensive (maybe $10 at RR??). You might look into it.

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I've been searching and searching and can't find one! I really just want something that speaks from a Christian perspective. We read secular, enjoy History of US, Story of the World, etc. but I would just like something Christian to balance the scale. KWIM? Any suggestions? Thanks!


I don't know of a spine, but SonLight sure picks nice fiction and nonfiction history books, so if you could use supplements that way, you could peruse their lists for Cores 3 & 4 or Core 100, depending on your kids' ages.

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I actually could not find one this year for my 4th grader for Modern period, so we are going without for the first time! And I checked EVERYTHING. (I do have Abeka 4 that we use as a spine from time to time.)


My best suggestion for 8th grader would be BJU. They use that at our classical co-op.

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We're using LFBC for US History and it's great - perfect for 8th grade! Every Thursday assigns an essay question which is great preparation for high school. We used their World History last year and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's not very glamourous or one of the "hot" curricula, but it's easy to implement, Christian, conservative and solid. Because it's so streamlined it's also very easy to supplement with literature, outlining, DVD's, etc....


It is supposed to be a 9th grade text, but I'd rather use something more rigorous for high school. I think this is perfect for middle school.


My 2 cents.

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Guest slhanes1

I have read the original publications. They have released expanded/updated editions for all three in the series. They are wonderful books and very imformative and have been enjoyable to read. There is a children's version of each book but they might be too easy for an 8th grader.



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