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OMG - A COPPERHEAD in my house

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Oh my....I shouldn't pf opened this thread. But it sure makes happier that I live in New England. EEEWWWWW I hate snakes!!


My hubby says you should buy a mongoose. That should fix your snake problem:D


OMG, and toilets and wshing machines????? I am shuddering at the thought.......:001_huh: AAAACKKKKK!!!


DD30's favorite story when she was little was Rikki-Tikki-Tavi (he's a mongoose) -- I was able to read it to her because the snake doesn't show up till the end of the book so I didn't have to worry about touching the picture of it. I HATE snakes.

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I hate snakes! I am sorry you had one in your house. We had a snake in our house when we first moved into our house in Florida. It was a non-poisonous one, and we never had another one.


Since we are sharing snake stories, I have to share my favorite. We were living in Singapore and I was walking to my piano student's house. I came across a black baby cobra and couldn't decide if it was a stick or a snake. They are that skinny and very shy if you can believe it. I opted for snake and gave it wide berth. It is a good thing too, because it was one! My neighbor had one in her house once. It made me very glad that we lived on the third floor!:blink:

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Snakes. I hate snakes. Why did it have to be snakes? Anything else but snakes.


Sorry, had to quote Indy on this one :lol:


I do hate, loathe and despise snakes. I feel the same way about mice and *gack* rats too. I think I'd take a snake, non poisonous snake over a rat any day of the week though.


Note the 'non poisonous' distinction though.



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Since we are sharing snake stories, I have to share my favorite.


When we lived in Mass, I felt very safe from snakes. There are only 3 poisonous kinds, and the people at the science museum told me that if I ever saw one, it would be a red letter day because, I guess, there aren't many of them and they don't come around people.


So one day, the yard man was at our house. He looked exactly like Mr. Clean -- 6'4" tall, bald, very muscular. We were in the side yard, and I stepped over a branch.


He started screaming like a girl! :D He totally freaked out because it was a snake. He kept yelling at me to go around the house to get back over to him. Well, I knew it couldn't be poisonous and I didn't feel like hiking, so I stepped over it to get back to good old scaredy-cat Frank.


It was 4' long and quite thick, and it slithered over to our garage and laid alongside it so I could measure it.


Frank went home and looked it up. It looked like a poisonous snake, but the markings were the exact reverse (it had to do with the order of the colors of the bands).


But watching Mr. Clean practically dissolve with fear was quite an experience. The poor guy. After I got him calmed down, I went back outside to look at the snake again, and it was gone.


I'm scared to death of snakes too, but I apparently have rational moments. I attribute this to being a Mom because before kids, my cat bought a long, skinny black snake in the house. I called my (now) ex-husband at work and had him pulled out of class (he was a professor) because of the emergency. I couldn't go back inside. It wasn't long before 3 strong men appeared to deal with the problem, but the snake has disappeared. Later, my stepdaughters found it inside the pullout couch, dead.


My SD's and I got into our waterbed and waited for my ex-husband to take care of the problem. We turned out the light and pretended to be asleep, hoping he would sleep on the sofa since the snake had been there. Instead, he appeared in the doorway and pretended to throw the dead snake at us. We were standing on that waterbed in lickety-split time, screaming. It was a wave-full waterbed, too, but that didn't hamper us. It turned out to be a shoelace that he had thrown. I still haven't forgiven him for that prank and I'm still glad his stomach hurt so much from laughing. I should have punched him and made it hurt longer.


DH played a sick dead snake joke on me, too. DS3's garter snake died and he chased me around the house with it (his inner 10 year old boy came out). I escaped harm and he threw it outside in the snow. I was so mad at him for that. I wanted to boil it so the kids could put the skeleton together for a homeschool project. I never did find it.

Edited by RoughCollie
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When we lived in Mass, I felt very safe from snakes. There are only 3 poisonous kinds, and the people at the science museum told me that if I ever saw one, it would be a red letter day because, I guess, there aren't many of them and they don't come around people.


So one day, the yard man was at our house. He looked exactly like Mr. Clean -- 6'4" tall, bald, very muscular. We were in the side yard, and I stepped over a branch.


He started screaming like a girl! :D He totally freaked out because it was a snake. He kept yelling at me to go around the house to get back over to him. Well, I knew it couldn't be poisonous and I didn't feel like hiking, so I stepped over it to get back to good old scaredy-cat Frank.


It was 4' long and quite thick, and it slithered over to our garage and laid alongside it so I could measure it.


Frank went home and looked it up. It looked like a poisonous snake, but the markings were the exact reverse (it had to do with the order of the colors of the bands).


But watching Mr. Clean practically dissolve with fear was quite an experience. The poor guy. After I got him calmed down, I went back outside to look at the snake again, and it was gone.


I'm scared to death of snakes too, but I apparently have rational moments. I attribute this to being a Mom because before kids, my cat bought a long, skinny black snake in the house. I called my (now) ex-husband at work and had him pulled out of class (he was a professor) because of the emergency. I couldn't go back inside. It wasn't long before 3 strong men appeared to deal with the problem, but the snake has disappeared. Later, my stepdaughters found it inside the pullout couch, dead.


My SD's and I got into our waterbed and waited for my ex-husband to take care of the problem. We turned out the light and pretended to be asleep, hoping he would sleep on the sofa since the snake had been there. Instead, he appeared in the doorway and pretended to throw the dead snake at us. We were standing on that waterbed in lickety-split time, screaming. It was a wave-full waterbed, too, but that didn't hamper us. It turned out to be a shoelace that he had thrown. I still haven't forgiven him for that prank and I'm still glad his stomach hurt so much from laughing. I should have punched him and made it hurt longer.


DH played a sick dead snake joke on me, too. DS3's garter snake died and he chased me around the house with it (his inner 10 year old boy came out). I escaped harm and he threw it outside in the snow. I was so mad at him for that. I wanted to boil it so the kids could put the skeleton together for a homeschool project. I never did find it.


OMG!!! I would be dead of a heart attack! Reading this is almost giving me one. As DH and I got in the bed last night, I begged him to never play a snake joke on me or the girls...especially after yesterday. He said he would NEVER do that - thank heavens. :D

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Same here.... saw one in the living room, an hour after we'd talked about snakes with friends. My husband thought I was seeing things until I dropped the f word, which is something he has never heard me say. Made my dh search high and low to make sure this one was a loaner. The next day, I had an exterminator search our whole house/yard to make sure there wasn't a nest somewhere.

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