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This is not a brag. I'm just very happy for my daughter, who loves to read. Yesterday she read all 117 pages of Clyde Robert Bulla's Viking Adventure in one day. Every second she got, she ran over and grabbed her book. I wish our camera was working ... I'd have taken pictures.


I love that my dd loves to read. She's just like me. On Saturday I started reading Jon Krakauer's Into the Wild. I love his books and think he's a very engaging writer. Yesterday, when I should have been cleaning, I was on the couch reading. :)


I feel that I should include my son in this post, too, so I'll add that I am happy that my son has now gone 9 days in a row without wetting the bed. Poor little guy gets up at 5 in the morning to take a shower if he's wet the bed. He strips his bed and carries the bedclothes down to the basement. He gets very upset when he wets the bed, so I am thrilled for him that he has made it this long.


Ok, I am rambling. What have your kids done recently that has made you happy for them?



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Yesterday I was sick so ds was doing independent work. He struggles with reading but didn't fuss when I assigned him grammar and math to do on his own. He also did his homework without fussing (we only do homework when he doesn't finish a subject).


Of course he was delighted that 30 minutes of Guitar Hero was also part of the schedule.

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My 6 y.o. dd is translating Greek without having to use the Code Cracker to look up the letters. In some cases, we can say, "Mu, alpha, nu" and she'll just sound out "man" and find it right away. I'm tickled for her. I think it must be very empowering. Her reading is coming right along, too. She leaned over my shoulder yesterday and read about half of a note I was penning for an adult.


ds8 is a lovely boy...most of my academic excitement on his behalf just now is about finishing his work without arguing. No shortage of brains or success, just a very loooong, drawn-out process. That said, he read The Blue Fairy Book to his siblings the other night until they fell asleep. That was a special moment. No pictures? Really? :tongue_smilie: It's nice to see that he'll make that leap!

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Also just wanted to add that this is a GREAT topic! I can only speak for myself but I need to stop and reflect on what's good in our school and take time to celebrate!!!! :D I am always focusing on what needs to be fixed. :confused:


Thanks for a great thread, Tara. Can't wait to read other responses!!!

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I know that in second grade, DCs are supposed to start writing their own science and history narrations, but I have not mentioned that to DS. A few times recently, though, he has offered to write it! He says, "I'll write that for ya!" What a sweetie! We're a blessed group here.

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Yesterday morning I walked into the kids' playroom and found ds reading a princess book to dd


:001_wub: <-- that is what my face looked like!!


I'm so proud that he was willing to 1) read a book to his sister and 2) actually read a "girl" book ;)



I am also so happy that dd has officially finished her ETC primers! She was jumping all around, yelling "YAY!!"

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My daughter says she knew all her lines at skit rehearsal yesterday. This is a very big deal and her skit director/Sunday School teacher was relieved. Just now she beat the clock on a math assignment. (She chose to set the clock, and I am always thrilled when she finds what works for her.)


Yay, students and their families!

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My 3years and 10 months old finally used the potty yesterday - 6 times!!! We are still working on #2 but I feel like it finally just clicked for him. :D

Today has been a little harder (two steps forward, one step back) but I am encouraged that we will get there, maybe even before he officially hits 4!

Watching his big brothers encourage him warms my heart. I am loving homeschooling for so many reasons!

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